>I hate my country's braindrain.
>I hate that we immigrated illegally so much we are now a joke on an international scale.
>I hate that deportees that are sent back are nigger influenced gangbangers that now roam the streets.
>I hate that remittances are a core part of the economy so there are few taxes or formal economies built on them.
>I hate that so long as we keep this up our national sovereignty is at risk.
>I hate that my being anti illegal immigration will make the board call me a hypocrite.
I hate my country's braindrain
Dylan White
Elijah Richardson
>deportees that are sent back
wew, no self-respecting African country would accept their scum back
Ryder Cruz
at least u have pretty flag and good food
Nathaniel Morris
>blue peru
>pretty flag
Gabriel Jackson
Thanks man
We are not Africa tier
Kayden Edwards
t. out of touch elites
Brayden Young
Ian Moore
Why did you choose to be born in that country lmao
Thomas Gray
Why can't you blame the fruit company for destroying your country instead blaming black culture and people trying to find better lives
Andrew Powell
Because our country has been fucking itself up just fine before the US existed and your mutt parents were still in their homeland. To reduce our entire country to a single coup is reductive and shows your ignorance.