Moon Landing was real you idiots
Moon Landing was real you idiots
Other urls found in this thread:
>flag waving in space
>no stars
two proxypuppets in a minute
>flag waving
it's wrinkled because it was wrapped up
are you blind
do you not see the horizontal rod at the top of the flag to hold it open?
jó, fokk off. Ég er enginn fokkíng proxara brúða.
when they were planting it, they rotated it back and forth to better dig into the shit rocky soil, which of course made the flag ripple as it swung like a pendulum- without a breeze.The flag was disturbed as it was planted into the ground and kept this bent shape because of the lack of strong gravity on the Moon. It stopped moving when they took their hands off it. All flags behaved the same on all other missions, most with better footage.
literally not worth addressing. are you 11 ?
So what exactly seems far fetched in terms of physics and engineering, what do you believe could not have happened that it makes a conspiracy likely ? you retarded mongolboo pinkos, can you answer that ?
wow guys, we got a 'scientist' over here. Didn't your mom teach you that science is a Jewish invention?