
For nobody edition

Attached: Megumin[nobody_cares].jpg (477x474, 44K)

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> dummies let it die during night
Why havent you awoken, dummies?

Dummies are dummies.
They even can't support their own general, so what about "intermarum".

Attached: Megumin[ConsiderTheFollowing].png (943x720, 591K)

today's a public holiday
time to visit some graves

Ok nosok

>have to attend immatriculation at uni
>have to wake up at 5am, sit in train for 2 hours in a suit and be there for literally 15 minutes
>fuck that
>write email saying I can't attend due to health reasons
>school wants a doctors note now
well fuck

>school wants a doctors note now
>fucking imatrikulace

some gypsies are dancing

go join your brethren

I just woke up and I'm participating in no nut November. Wish me luck, frens.