Ugh, what could have been

ugh, what could have been

Attached: ugh....jpg (400x524, 37K)

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probably if the anglo-normans would have inherithed all of france thus becoming the kangs of france, england would have french as language, protestantism wouldn't spread to angloland, america would be spanish / portuguese /frecnch only and the world would have been a better place.
If only...

*breathes in*

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>probably if the anglo-normans would have inherithed all of france

This should have been the case, if the Valois didn't create the rule that a women can't pass on the claim on the french throne

Based. Imagine a timeline where Anglos and frogs United as one and exterminated the G*rman menace.

The Plantagenets weren't "Anglo-Norman", they actually replaced the previous house of Normandy.
The Valois didn't create the rule, they just applied Salic law, succession laws the Capetians had been following since the beginning of their reign. Angevin butthurt was unjustified because they couldn't inherit the French throne in the first place.

France and Great Britain shall no longer be two nations, but one Franco-British Union. The constitution of the Union will provide for joint organs of defence, foreign, financial and economic policies. Every citizen of France will enjoy immediately citizenship of Great Britain, every British subject will become a citizen of France.

oh what could have been

Attached: reychur.jpg (1024x742, 111K)

Very rude

Kill yourself.

Salic law which was never used before, the situation never happened, and the salic law was not even used by the french nobility. It was Realpolitik and nothing else.

I will kill you in the name of Churchill

Germans aren't human. They are proto-anglos, unevolved apes and nothing more. They honestly understand nothing but killing, so we must speak to them very clearly.

Don't worry toothpaste, you're not German
What never happened was a succession crisis. The Capetians had always been following patrilineal primogeniture regardless. Can you point to one instance where a woman, or someone descended from a woman, inherited the French throne after Hugh Capet?

Very racist
Not French either Pierre de Corsica

The English really are such a sad people, they worship their conquerors, it's like some kind of Stockholm syndrome.
That a single drop of English blood was spilled defending France was itself a crime. Never mind selling the country out to them.

>a woman
*a Capetian woman
Why did you get triggered by such a simple statement of fact? The Netherlands started off as a small HRE breakoff state and managed to build a strong distinct identity through sheer success. I'm actually disappointed that you're denying this.

yeah I should hold a grudge for something that never happened to me instead, that's much more intelligent

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Whiter than you, Mamadou

But it didn't. And we conquered the world. Lol.

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Can you point one instance where a capetian didn't have a male child to inherit the kingdom? No, the situation never happened.

I'm not denying anything, but we've been rich soil for French and German occupation for hundreds of years due to the French-Dutch tripple-ethnic state that my country was part of.

Plus people always deny our cultural distinction from Germany or see us as a state not worth keeping, it's nothing new.

You've no reason to like France or the French, they have brought nothing but ruin to us. There's so much of the traitor in the English Francophile that I suppose I shouldn't even be surprised they attempted to give our country away. And you don't even look on this with alarm. It beggars belief.

The point is that you couldn't claim the French throne on the basis of matrilineal descent. There have been cases where the firstborns were females; did they ever inherit the throne? It might have been realpolitik as you said, but it doesn't change that the Valois claim was the correct one due to usage. And of course, that didn't stop the Angevin from claiming the French throne anyway, but that's history.
>Plus people always deny our cultural distinction from Germany or see us as a state not worth keeping
I don't. I hold your culture and history in great esteem.


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Ayo iz you sayin we HAD AN EMPIRE AND SHIETT??

>And we conquered the world
Britons were and still are the slaves of their Norman ruling class. You've never accomplished anything.

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fuck anglos and their evil ways

You don't understand what "male primogeniture" means? It means "the first male among the children".
The Plantagenet pretender was the grand-son, while the Valois pretender was the cousin. No one was "the first male among the children"

No one should have been crowned if the rule was apply correctly and the pairs of the kingdom should have elected a new king.

The Valois were the mightest of all nobles family back then, and imposed their rule. Realpolitik.

I know right, an independent Wales free of Anglo ilk would have been great.

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>tfw no francophonie-commonwealth merger

Attached: map_of_francophonie_and_commonwealth.png (1093x630, 112K)

The Plantagenet pretender was the grandson through **matrilineal** descent. This is what disqualified him.
If a firstborn female can't access the throne, then why should their son?

that's the wrong pic though?

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You have nothing to say about the fact that the pairs should have elected a new king?

>t. Jamal Braine-DeLette

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Election stopped being customary after Hugh Capet's oldest son inherited the throne. That's how precedent works.

The Norman line couldn't even last past William's sons, it was a shit dynasty that invaded when it was easy to do so and fiizzled out like a candle made of ear wax in less than 100 years.

Small brain. The Normans and their successors were detrimental to England and especially the rest of Britain.

The TRUE intellectual wonders:
>what could have been had King Harold won the Battle of Hastings in 1066
>what could have been had Wat Tyler not trusted the King and instead carried on his Peasant Rebellion of 1381
>what could have been had Oliver Cromwell successfully instituted a Republican form of government after the execution of King Charles I in 1649
>what could have been had Napoleon managed to successfully invade Britain and Russia
>what could have been had the British Empire not entered WW1
>what could have been had the British Union of Fascists gained control of Parliament prior to WW2

Francophilia is a mental illness

>half the countries don't speak french

most of them are observer countries
don't know why they're full orange, imo francophonie should just be france + belgium + switzerland + french caribbean + french africa + canada (and quebec) + vietnam + french pacific islands

What the fuck, Moçambique, you whores.

Awesome reddit art, upvoted

Fucking stupid tbch
>organization of the former british empire
>rwanda and mozambique are in for some reason

Fucking faggot lmao

All that clay in France was never english to begin with. It was part of the French realm that happened to be lorded by the king of England as duke of normandy, anjou, etc and as such, just another vassal of the King of France.

But then illiterate faggots see maps from the medieval age and come up with conclusions.

mozambique has quite significant influence from south africa, same reason namibia is in the commonwealth (though namibia actually was part of sa, not the british empire though)

Can't believe most of western europe isn't in it

It was the only means to get rid of the Huns past 1870.