Jow Forums
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International #969
Finns are whi-
Far left now at 24% in the polls in Germany
Post what you're listening to
I envy first worlders
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA have never had a Dictator
How the heck do you deal with yourself being a fucking failure and the shame of your entire family?
I'm 23 and I still live with my parents
Caesar described the cultural differences between the Germanic tribesmen, the Romans...
Nuts cracker
What do people of your country think about incest?
What are some of your favorite loanwords in your language?
I fucking love this completely harmless creature unlike that altright frog
Do you feel betrayed?
Post your country's special forces...
/ita/ il filo
Why can't Americans use the 24 format system? Why do they insist on writing on PM and AM?
I dislike brown eyed people
Perks of your ethnicity?
Sverigetråden - Staden av tråden uppplagan
What's wrong with pakis ?
You have to permanently settle in one of these
Guess their nationality
Which country has the best posters?
Between BR monkeys thinking they're not shit because they elected a dictator and argies getting uppity...
Why does spanish sound so gay?
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Why is there no pan-American Native rights movement or encompassing identity?
Will Americans become more bearable after next Tuesday?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Describe your cuntry with an image
Can we plz just ban all China posters?
Culture Pals - /cp/
In france literally every single store security agent is black, the few exceptions are arabs
Sister married French dude, living in France as an expat
Why don't you have a russian gf yet?
Jow Forums, you are given full creative liberties to make your own BLACKED movie, what do you do?
Ate over 7000 kcal today
Would you fuck this Russian chick?
From today’s march on Rome
You wake up in a norwegian nightclub, surrounded by pretty girls. What do?
ITT: We share good and bad sides of living in our countries
Why yes, I do play Victoria II. How did you know?
ITT We say nice things about Israel
/ita/ - il filo
Tfw no black gf
In this thread we bully women
Say something nice about Australia, cunt!
What do Portuguese people think of the current state of Brazil and Bolsonaro?
Is your city relevant enough to be a top 500 nuke target?
Americans love a winner. Americans will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise cowards...
Irish boys
Post failed states
I got my first job!!!!
I think Fr*nce SUCKS!!!
You wake up in Montpelier, Vermont
1. Your Country
Be american
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
What's wrong with American education?
What's their fucking problem?
I got a girl pregnant . What do Jow Forums ?
Why? Why does this country exist? Why do its people exist?
Rate this girl by your country's beatuy standarts
Live near airport
/fr/ - le francofil
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Yeah I don't think women should be allowed to vote, what about it?
Latino-américa invitada (eso incluye Brasil, cabrones). ¿Para cuando Santiago Abascal como presidente, chavales?
Whats the most hard part to English to you that make you angry?
How to fight urban sprawl?
OFFICIAL Jow Forums 2018 CENSUS [2/?]
Why do others yuros hate on them so much? Are they envious of their diligence?
Good Morning friends,I propose an second "thread" but now
I'm unironically attracted to women that look like young boys
How do people from Spain and people from Spanish speaking Latin America view each other?
ITT we drop massive redpills on Anthropology
Would you purchase a wh*Te sex slave?
When wh*Te people say all Asians look the same
Mfw im in Team Allah now
Cou're yunt
If this girl came to me and offered here vagina for my use I couldn't sex her cause my penis is 15cm and thin (only 2...
East Asia
Why are they so obsessed with skin color?
Why are these posters so mean?
4d chess
Tfw too low Iq to learn mathematics
You wake up in nuuk (godthåb)
Do you love Italy?
/ita/ il filo napoletane con super poteri
I am about to spend 4 hours in a Salon with my gf because she wants to straighten her hair...
1. Your country
Je veux une petite amie française délicieusement brune
Finnish national socialist's shower room
Are gays even real?
/lat/ – hilo latino
What were the Balkans like under the Ottomans?
When will slave markets open for wh*Te slaves again?
Poland and Greece still eye WWII billions from Germany
Climbing stairs now feel like climbing Mount Kailash to me
Most firstoids on Jow Forums are pampered, enjoyed first world life with 1st world problems
Anglo thread
Nationalism BAD
Def user(i):
You're country
Pic related triggers japs and weeaboos
Americans why just why
/drache/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why are turkish girls so cute?
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
In America fat male teachers spank young teenage girls on their butts until they can't sit and Americans think this is...
Look at the clock
Is 21st century Scandinavia (and northern europe) peak society?
Wake up
Im so drunk right now guys
Wish I was European so I could pay more tax...
Your country
What are you talking about? I'm wh*Te, I don't feel cold
1. Your cunt
Average "palestine" supporter
This is the new face of holland. And that’s a good thing
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
British girls
Will you going to marry?
I support open borders and freedom of movement
Kurva anyátok
Baltic names for countries
Countries that were a mistake. Complete
What are you drinking on this Saturday night, Jow Forums?
Why are women from Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, USA, Ukraine, Romania and Latvia such whores?
Friend(never seen an imageboard in his life) goed to Australia
Describe yourselves, Jow Forums
A Polish-Jewish journalist was fined $30,000 for publishing a caricature of "banned" Jesus in his newspaper:
Why are people so obsessed with Prussia and Nazis if they lost nearly all major wars they fought in and literally no...
I cach rats and eat them
Are Japanese schools really as fun as they are in anime?
What's the point of this place?
Do you love Iran?
Who owns south china sea?
/flag/ - /extraflags/
The Great Debate
Did you know you can get high and really really stoned on nutmeg...
Post your flag's ethnic/racial/nationality demographics
Damn I love not living around Muslims
Why aren't the Japanese fucking their women?
Australia is an isolated desert country with limited support from Europeans...
Height and weight thread
Alternative country names
Korean ilbe BVILL thread
Just be confident bro
Daily Reminder that Saudi Arabian Navy is starving out an entire country and responsible for this...
15cm and thin only 2 fingers wide
How you doing Jow Forums?
New Caledonia will become independent tomorrow. Thoughts?
If you're not from Queensland or WA you're not a real Australian
/v4/ + frens
Why cant bigots just accept some people were born the wrong gender?
So THIS is the power of Indian engineering?
False friends
Whose women would you fuck from another country?
Do you want to be degenerate sometimes? They are not virgins, they have fun
Does your cunt have a retard isolation state?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
If you asked Normoids in your county to name five other countries. Which five would be said most?
Warum ist kein /deutsch/ offen ihr spastiker
When did you grow out of being racist, sexist, homophobic & transphobic?
Do you appreciate how lucky you were?
What do you think of Chilean girls?
Austria, after the US, Australia and Hungary, decided not to sign the migrationpact
You arent a good Norwegian if you cant handle the cold
I think that the European governments are trying to turn men gay by having bidets next to the toilets
R8 me
Next racemixer I see goes 6 feet under
Mexico's homicide rate in 2018, up to September
I love chairs. Chairs are nice
Be American
Fuck i love brown women
Why are the Chinese so bad at fighting?
Where do they buy bread?
Why are the people of America so pro-war?
So Latin America is considered a branch of the West but not the West...
If you don't earn at least $2,000 a week you're not successful
Why are Japs so stupid? did they really think they could get away with it...
Why do Europeans quarrel over two same-rooted middle eastern religions...
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
According to nationalists if I'm a born and raised seattleite I should have more in common and work together with...
I have never understood the African man masculine meme
You cunt
What special talent or hobby do you have?
He is good Canadian
Your state, country
Why are American Indians assholes?
Why isn't this guy more celebrated? Or is it because I live in the USA that I don't hear about him more?
Jow Forums, you are given full creative liberties to make your own BLACKED movie, what do you do?
Does your boyfriend kiss you Jow Forums? :)
/ausnz/ - He is Risen edition
Im thinking of moving
Why wont europeans reproduce
Occurs only in a random day of the year
A good friend of mine died 2 days ago from a drug overdose. Is this common in your country?
Latin America can't into rock mu-
/Hilo Latino/
Hi friends I propose an risk colonial thread
Your cunt
Name 3 poles that are not Robert Lewandowski or John Paul II
Insult and compliment the country above you
1. Country
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
I must export my way of life EVERYWHERE
Imagine wanting a white Women in 2018
New japan flag
Do you want to find love in France ?
The fact this even became a US state is weird to me. Outside of the cities and the occasional small town...
Guess the country thread!
Why is Jow Forums racist towards anglos? i am not guilty for the crimes of my ancestors
/cum/ canada-united states-mexico & friends
Your time is over luddites
/ita/ il filo edizione in costume (no homo)
Bolsonaro to remove humanities from public universities and turn them into online courses
Heads will roll edition
Why the fuck is South Africa in BRICS?
Hormones in american food
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
Why are Japanese-Brazilians more alpha than Japanese in Japan?
Your cunt
In Mexico, fucking twelve year olds is legal
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht - Nasche Knabbern Chille
We won the Vietnam War in the end
Is Mexico now one of the world's most hated countries because of how we in the US perceive them?
What is Jow Forums drinking tonight?
Since white genocide is basically unavoidable at this point
... aaaaaahaahahahAHAHAHAA!!!!
How are you celebrating Day of the Dead Jow Forums?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/civ/ - Civilized world general
Know the difference
Is India based and Aryan?
Still no wall
I make my own pizza, because I have the balls and the tradition...
Man thank goodness I'm not french, eh, Jow Forums?
Every American student I meet at uni is nice, sweet and genuinely cool people to hang out with
Any rare flags here today? I summon you
¿te gusta España?
Gods, we were strong then
Do you love Lana del Rey?
Why are british people so evil?
Does your country have the death penalty? do you support it
Fil francophone §fr§
/ita/ il filo case vittoriane
This is the first result I got when searching "canadian man" on Google Images
Do the right thing and vote for your independence
Swords from your ancestors
Post your face and others will rate you
Is it true that Americans are taught to hate the Soviet Union?
I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this
Literally got banned for saying nigger
I wish I were English
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Is everything about Saudi Arabia blown out of proportion by the liberal media?
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Is it true that the average European has never seen a squirrel?
Roast the country above you
Angloid simpleton tourist trying to speak French to me
Marry, Fuck, Kill
Our army made a school shooter simulator
Your country
/cum/ canada-united states-mexico & friends
Do norwegians hate whales?
OFFICIAL Jow Forums 2018 CENSUS [1/?]
Gotta stay positive ;)
Everybody loves evil Jews and hates innocent Palestinians nowadays...
Hilo latino /lat/
The Belle Époque or La Belle Époque (French: [bɛlepɔk]; French for "Beautiful Era") was a period of Western history...
I could easily say 60% of the euro flags here are rapefugees and i wouldnt be exagerating
This is Mexico’s greatest creation
Your cunt
Do Latin Americans hate Brazil now?
P-poland s-STRONG!
Your country
Italian Genocide
Honest thoughts on POCCNR??
/Nederdraad/ Vrijdagavond editie
/ita/ - il filo
What does Jow Forums think about Croatia?
Is it too late to go to higher education when you're 24 years old?
/deutsch/ ehemals /hrr/
>tfw no manlet bf
Pakistanis think they're better than Indians because they're "whiter"
Why do girls do this
Why are Asians so heartless and cruel?
When will the fennomongols produce new meme content...
America’s next president
Can i have some apu thread?
How do you go from inventors of Western civilization to >le debt country?
Fuck all of you
What are you talking about India, user?
No nut november
Was the finnish race a mistake?
Haha bruh oh no no no bruh look at this dood
/paki/ + /kashmiri/ + /afghan/ = /aryan/ general
End of Europe is coming and there is nothing yt can do
Last year I made just over €56,000
Now that the smoke is settled, who was right?
Are we oldest whitoid mutts?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Caring about “your” culture is the surest sign that you’re an NPC
Someone unironically tell me what's wrong with globalization
Why do South American countries look nothing like Spain, Portugal or Italy...
What do they think of each other
/genocide/ general
So is this place more Middle Eastern, Desi or Central Asian? It's always disputed and often put in different group
Feel bad because I wasn't born in a modern green city in Denmark or Sweden
This is my neighbourhood, say something nice about it
/big countries/ thread
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Russian hackers arrested and exposed by the Dutch intelligence agency as they tried to hack the Organisation for the...
/fr/ - le francofil
If you don't have this muscle then you're not white
Norway is BORING
Left or right?
Just lift bro
Macron warns Europe of a return to 1930s
Sverigetråden - 𐌲𐍉𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺𐌰 𐌿𐍀𐍀𐌻𐌰𐌲𐌰𐌽
Which country has the most dominant women?
I wanna die
What does Jow Forums think of this game?
Why are Italians so obsessed with scooters?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Post your country's warships
We're sorry Spain, you can have them back. We will pardon their $70,000,000,000 debt in the process
Asian Americans have to make a quarter million dollars per year to match attractiveness of an average white male...
White woman BTFO in Asia
Brazilian Imperial Prince with his wife
/ita/ il filo delle Bratz
Is it just the same guy doing all the KARA BOGA posting? Most Turkish IPs are banned from Jow Forums...
The Age of the Chink has arrived
You can wish for ONE change to your country, what is it?
Merkel's reign of disaster is finally over
/balt/ + /ausnz/
You wake up in Milan
Why this discrepancy?
1. Your Country
Paris vs. London
This was the happiest moment of my life
Why are all these exaggerated reactions to everything so popular on Youtube...
What do you call this in your country?
Be British
Please visit Sakha-Yakutia
/v4/ + frens
*blocks your path*
Oi cunt, you a bloody heretic or something? Nah, I'm just pulling yer cock. The emperah pratects, mate
Swedish user said,,Are Koreans really white?
Tfw not a qt girl
/essen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - AfSdampupplagan
Gee here's a crazy idea why don't immigrants fix their own dang countries instead of migrating to leach off the success...
Why does America protect them?
Post a country you would unconditionally accept all refugees/Immigrants from
Post cool train stations from your cunt
Why do people unironically learn Japanese?
This belongs to muslims
J'aime le Japon et les Japonais
Swedish-Norwegian-German alliance when?
Do German people vacation a lot in your COUNTRY?
The UK is so depressing, yet so comfy. I want to live there
So like who makes all these anti-janny toads? Which board produces this OC?
It's friday! How are you spending your evening?
French people are not white
Escape from country and walk towards usa
People who read manga are seen as retarded freaks in Germany
How do we stop 3DPD girls from copying our anime bros
If you had to import 500000 white natives from a European country, which one would you choose?
Kurva anyátok
Are there actually any Anglos posting with this flag?
Is prostitution legal in your country? It is in mine. :)
British san
List of the best ex-Soviet countries:
Are the USA the most beautiful country?
Racist peace of shit. not my president
My dick is 15cm and thin
Do they truly believe they are white?
Go to American University with a program for international students
Why is Halloween popular in Japan?
What's it like to live in a country that has monkeys?
If only he knew
Are brown girls wife material?
This tongue will never touch your tongue
Your country
Is Jow Forums all women nowadays?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Wh*te “””””””””””people””””””””””””””
First they tip and now they pay for waiter's food
What's it like being white in a white-minority country? Do you still have the upper hand?
/balk/ - Early morning A N I M E edition
Why is America so bad at creating impressive cities...
It's better in America
/map/ thread
What do french boys like? trying to impress one
The TRUE axis of evil
Circumcision Cope: The Greatest American Pasttime
Your cunt
Дoбpoгo paнкy yкpaїнцi
Dumb fucking american comes to my country
Quick reminder that Jow Forums is the best board on this site
/fr/ - fil d'la francofonnie
ITT We say nice things about Colombia
Does this sort of thing happen in your country?
I look like this but i'm male
No Nut November here we go!
Found this in Jow Forums. Why does Brazil want to drag Latin America into global level conflicts...
Hilo latino
Do all americans really leave home to go live in another random state or is that just a meme?
French boys
Was nuking Japan twice a war crime?
How distinct are Spanish dialects?
Were you born too late for your country's golden age?
Tfw no female bro tier friend
1 your country
Hilo latino /lat/
Is your country's founder as based and redpilled as this guy?
I am atheist
The problem with "Indian" history and even just the word Indian
What happens in this cute little country?
Why is africa so underdeveloped?
You will never be Indian
Are Poles really okay with this?
The 4 main accents of English
Jow Forums, you are given full creative liberties to make your own BLACKED movie, what do you do?
ITT:Misconceptions you had on other countries
Be honest do you have to go into higher education to be successful in your country?
How common in Spain are women with this type of face?
Show me your hand(s)
Your cunt
/lat/ hilo latino
Are there actually communities of hostile inbred hillbillies in america?
How do you go from this
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2072
How do Greeks view Italians (and vice versa)?
Do we have rival boards?
Sverigetråden - tuut upplagan
Nicki Minaj thread
Your cunt
Why does Russia has no horror stories?
Tomatoes are staple foods of the italians
/luso/ - fio lusófono
What's your cunt's minority complex?
/New England/
Can anyone from Mexico confirm that the caravan is actually coming and find out who's in it?
/ita/ il filo
What is a 'white person'?
/mashiro/, ehemals /nachtschicht/, nie wieder /deutsch/
Worst posters?
Why are Gringos so obsessed with Amazon? you guys destroyed your entire forest why we can't do the same?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How would your family react to you bringing home a Japanese girlfriend?
Whoa! Check out her ass!
FUCK Bolsonaro
Ugh, what could have been
What phenotype is this?
/lat/ hilo latino
What happens here?
Say something nice about the United States of America
I wanna pee but I also don't want to get off the bed
Sverigetråden - Opinion Live Upplagan
Be american
Jow Forums hates Brazil now
Ur cunt
Americans please attention
What are some stereotypes and jobs specific foreigners have in ur cunt?
Americans are fat and stupid
Is it common in your family that anything sexual is brought up?
Do you like Turkey
Are russian guys into arab girls? pls
Post nature of your cunt
American (((food)))
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - le francofil
Global warming isn't real
They literally removed comments and likes from this
This is how Varg's fans look like
Despacitos of Jow Forums
USA has never had a Dictator
Édition nationaliste
I saw an Asian tourist taking a photo of a squirrel. A SQUIRREL...
/ita/ il filo delle Bratz
Help a girl out
Hilo latino
I love how easily the "ALMIGHTY" France lost WW2 to the GERMAN BVULL
Nords are the baldest race
Algeria appreciation thread
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
You are based and redpilled if you call this country Holland
Marry Fuck Kill. You choose
Welsh people are MED BVLLS
Do Easterns Europeans hate French ? I want to move to a Slavic country...
You have 10 seconds to act as Brazilian as possible
Are people from Bulgaria white?
Gun control
ITT: conspiracy theories you believe
Arab women masturbate anally in order to feel any form of pleasure by themselves before marriage because they have to...
Why is Eastern Europe worse than Western Europe despite the fact Western Europe has million times more immigrants from...
Tfw no manlet bf
Why do Germans make the best frozen pizza? Is Italy even trying?
Post folk music from your country
Sverigetråden - Ahlborg upplagan
Hilo latino /lat/
The single stupidest thing about this country is our dependency on cars
Germans sell these cars as Spanish
Do you love EU?
/brit/ - YWN Never Lick A Fanny Edition
European poster says something stupid, nothing Islamic mentioned
New and Improved List
Cringe autistic and insane people
How are slavs viewed in your country?
>Arabic sounds aggres-
*tells you how to cook your own food*
Do you consider Taiwan as a joke?
How would your family feel if you brought home a girl outside of your race?
Record broken for the world's tallest statue in India
India will be the sole global superpower by 2100
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Why haven't Germans been punished properly for the World War?
So is obesity still a big issue a Gulf Arab countries
Please love me
Why is the majority of successful hollywood actors 170cm manlets?
What country and ethnicity are you most attracted to, that isn't your own?
Everytime I talk to an American irl, it feels like I'm on the set of a movie...
At what age do people move out from their parent's in your cunt?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
German music thread
Fps games
Vacation to Italy
Robberies by country
I hate France
There are more universities in the top 500 in Finland and Sweden (country of 5 million and 10 million) than god...
Why do they get so offended when you call them non-white...
This flag now triggers and automatically gets liberals and leftists buttblasted into oblivion
Why is English food so bad?
I am a Turk, why is my hair red?
The most effective way to trigger the poster above you
What’s his shooting at?
Why don't you have a Portuguese gf user?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship