>tfw no female bro tier friend
Tfw no female bro tier friend
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I made the mistake of hanging out with those in high school. They ALL grew up into fat feminists and I never got laid
pick one
Most of my friends were/are girls
it's a mixed bag
are you their token beta gay best friend?
I had pretty much only male friends in high school except one female friend. The only reason she hanged out with me was because I was the only one of my friends not to ask her out (she was way out of their league).
Don't get it twisted, you were her essential orbiter to keep the others away.
Haven't had a female friend since I was a little kid because I'm bad enough at making friends normally let alone when you have to be vigilant to make sure they don't think you're attracted to them
I had one. She was hot too. But it was too hard to not appear to be an orbiter.
I'm not gay but I'm pretty beta
If you aren't her boyfriend you're by default an orbiter. Girls don't believe in the concept of friendship with males that they aren't fucking.
>Girls don't believe in the concept of friendship with males that they aren't fucking.
What if I mostly just mooch off of them for food and drugs and transportation because I'm always broke and don't have a car?
>t. Not a girl
Well, yes, obviously, there are no girls on Jow Forums
>Girls don't believe in the concept of friendship with males that they aren't fucking.
baseless assertion
Girls don't exist full stop honestly
You are genuinely delusional
>girls socially function just like guys
baseless assertion
>girls socially function just like guys
that's not what I said
you implied it through sheer cowardice
i didn't
Does how ever require a significantly high CHA to unlock or even view
i wish i had such a friend
"user, who are you in such a depressed mood? hmmm... grab my tits then so you'll feel better!"
I can be your friend for this thread
perfavore fioi
Adults don't have friends
>tfw 3 femal bro-tier frens
>they smoke all my pot
I'm attractive therefore I can't have female friends
>friend stops talking to me because she got a boyfriend who's a bitch made pussy
I should beat the fuck out of that faggot and assert authority. She was a very useful buddy.
I have bad news for you, user. Girls don't do this if you're just friends with them.
>tfw 2 female bro tier friends
played lmao
they just need to not be attracted to each other
>tfw no tomboy milf friend