Why are all these exaggerated reactions to everything so popular on Youtube? And by that I mean both actual reaction videos but also just normal gameplay/streamer/lifestyle ones where people make a gigantic fuzz out of everything that happens.
To who does this appeal?
Why are all these exaggerated reactions to everything so popular on Youtube...
Makes you feel like something is happening in your empty life.
How much have y'all donated to your favourite streamer?
I have donated 300ish dollars to Forsen
not from appeal of shouting and reaction, it's popular because he's just "celebrity" there about FPS
>someone makes kill in Call of Duty
I can't imagine people actually like such content.
Zoomers are sociopaths because they were exposed to the internet before they learned how to walk. No wonders they love shit like that.
Does he need your money that badly?
>To who does this appeal?
Autistic preteens
no it's like "tips for the fun". basically the stream viewers throw money and subscribe to him to fulfil their interest.
It's always been a thing in entertainment.
We pay more attention to weird exaggerated stuff.
Even if you just really listen to how people speak in TV commercials and on your local news, they don't speak normally. They change their pitch and tone dramatically and exaggerate certain words. Then when they cut to some normal person on the street being interviewed they sound like a mumbling boring idiot just because they are speaking normally.
Youtube has just further exaggerated this because there is so much competition and for mostly people with very short attention spans.
fucking Americans
5 bucks to Super_Noodle just so he could build a car on automation which he hates.
About $3000 over 4 years. Don't plan on living long, don't have any heirs and don't give a shit about charities, so whatever.
Never watched a streamer
The Youtube algorithm plays a large roll, really. People try to figure out the best way to get the most views and as Youtube changes the way they display related, trending, etc. clips, people adapt to different approaches in the hope of gaming the system properly to get more promotion via the Youtube algorithm.
For a while apparently those obnoxious thumbnail image clips were given higher priority over certain other types of video thumbnails, so a shitload of people started following suit.
This isn't an American thing retard
5.50€ to my friend.
Mainly American teenagers with the IQ of a turnip.
northernlion but i don't tip or sub
Children. Especially those who are bullied.
All you need to be a successful streamer is a good fake surprise and fake laugh.
Never understood why people donated to streamers that are literal millionaires.
sup fellow baj
had a 26 month sub but broke it on accident and gave up
donated 5$ to imaqtpie and athene
$200 to Faux years ago.