Russian hackers arrested and exposed by the Dutch intelligence agency as they tried to hack the Organisation for the...

Russian hackers arrested and exposed by the Dutch intelligence agency as they tried to hack the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

>Multiple attemps at hacking the OPCW have failed
>because of an incoming summit Dutch intelligence was put on higher alert
>suddenly an alarm goes off, someone tries to breach secured WiFi
>find a Citroen C3 with antennas and 4 Russian men
>go back to their hotel room: 20k euros, 20k dollars and various pictures of Dutch government buildings on top of phones that have been actived 5 days earlier in Moscow at an antenna closest to the headquarters of the GRU
>The men entered the country with Russian diplomatic passports and have been picked up by a member of the Russian embassy

Russian state denies any involvement but wanted the men back very badly.

Attached: uuid=94413598-76c3-4f54-b8fa-097d600e1291[1].jpg (720x404, 69K)

>Russian hackers
They are GRU servicemen.

That's reassuring

The GRU has no business in the Netherlands and as such they are hackers seeing how they tried to breach a cyber environment.

hackers? more like slackers lmao

Their setup.

Attached: 103712370_a059a94d-5ce1-4e8d-bd09-62b8a35ef3a3[1].jpg (1280x710, 343K)

>That's reassuring
That's what those fuckers do for my taxes!

GRU is much more complicated service than you think it is, kiddo.

So this is not actually proof the Russian government is using hacking as a means of reaching whatever goals and is just the GRU being the GRU?

Honestly there's nothing wrong with hacking your enemies

Just wish we'd hack a nuclear reactor in Moscow and turn it into Chernobyl 2.0

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