last train home
Other urls found in this thread:
>you're a big guy
>for you
>He fell for the GOMAD meme
redpill me on the defeat of the janitor
going to install Europa universalis IV again, hopefully i can run it well
is that the original maisiebro aka maisiebruce?
miss talking to him, hope he didn't neck himself
yeah he stopped posting a few years ago i think. Or he ditched the gimmick
What are sisters for anyway
How does Tony Blair get so much money from being a "consultant"? What is he being paid for?
the gf
O.G. banepost
>lewis hamilton wins 5th f1 wdc
>still only third fave to win bbc spoty behind thomas and kane
24 fairy cakes down the hatch
Hamilton is literally the greatest British sportsman of this era
>pic of a truck
i am confused
fake news
wow crazy video check this out
he was too pure for this world
I miss Riley
trucks mentioned
haha just what i needed!
he's honking his car again
why won't he stop
all brits look like pasty babies
i don't
one of the most autistic sadcases i've ever had the displeasure of interacting with
Sad songs about Sad boys.
Who's better?
He was one of my favourite posters. I have him on steam I think.
any milf (wo)man in?
cock too
>le 2006 maymays
Achtung! (That’s the German word for “Hello”)
My name is Kevin D’Antonio. I am a 22 year old, 100% pure German-American from Nebraska. I am also a proud Nat-Soc (National Socialist) and a racial realist.
I am not like your typical American. As a result of my superior (German) intellect, my peers have shunned me out of jealousy, and their brainwashing at the hands of liberal Jews. It is my desire to leave behind this Negrified, Judaized, degenerate shit hole and move back to Germany, my vaterland (That’s German for “fatherland”) and one true home.
I don’t have much work skill, nor education (a.k.a. Jew brainwashing) and I do not speak much German, but I have substantial knowledge of Adolf Hitler and World War II, in addition to 100% pure German heritage. My veins seethe with noble Teutonic blood.
Please tell me how I can go about moving to Germany.
Danke (That’s German for “Thank you”)
been reading martin shkreli's prison blog
please dont pressure me with that bill shit
forgot abouthim
watched a stream of his once, his weird fanbase was confusing
There is not such thing as pure germans.
Slavs fucked all their women during last war.
They killed 20 millions slavs, slavs just made 20 millions germans at then time.
need to move to norway, become a citizen, then commit massive amounts of fraud
either i'll get away scot free or i get put in a norwegian prison, either way it's a win
but really
>if i pull that off will you die
>it would be extremely painful
>you're a big guy
>for you
is there any explanation for this absolutely nonsensical bit of dialogue?
step to me
He was intrigued by banes mask and then bane threatened him with s double entendre
Most countries revoke your citizenship if you commit a crime if you got it through naturalisation
He's in prison?
fuck your toys kid
we really do it
Parked my car at the side of the road, lads.
but why would CIA randomly say
>you're a big guy!
why would anyoone in his right mind ever say that in any situation other than in a billy herrington production
fucking shant
yeh got 7 years
He's a big guy (for you)
first time ive got the ASMR tingles desu
You're gonna give up on your dream that fast just because some random Dutch person told you it might not work? Believe in yourself
First one to talk gets to stay on my airplane
He was remarking on banes size
Found the hottest girl I’ve ever seen
see why thomas is up there but dont understand Kane, true we got the WC golden boot but its not like a few penalties and goals against shitters is that great of an achievement if we're being deadly honestly. Think i'll have to give it to Lewis if it was up to me but obvs thomas is gonna get it, specially since only Schumacher is above him and Fangio tied for most championships won
*mogs you out of the hottest ones*
CIA thought that Bane meant it would be painful for he himself. His caustic response of “you’re a big (i.e. tough) guy” essentially meant “too bad, suck it up” in a mildly taunting sense.
real recognize real
i think that Nolan intended for there to be an undercurrent of homosexual tension in the scene, hinting that perhaps the two would've been lovers in different circumstances but sadly life doesn't always work out that way
yank cunt dont know what hes talking about you know
ooo killem
cat imagine listening to this nigger shit as a white man
janny WONT be happy about this
I grew up with drug dealers
being mogged by the slagposter AGAIN
kind looks like you honestly except less ugly
>feel my fat rolls lattice themselves as I bend over
>UK drivers have won 18 F1 Championships
>German drivers (2nd to British) have won 12 F1 Championships
>Argentinian drivers have won 5 F1 Championships
>French drivers have won 4 F1 Championships
hope i wake up dead in the morning
uhhhh pretty sure all americans have won all the nascar championships
any bimbofication man in
bit of a cunt thing to say desu
Why are we so good at sit down sports?