Are Japanese schools really as fun as they are in anime?
Are Japanese schools really as fun as they are in anime?
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it was, other than tfw no gf
Japanese submit to brainwashing in school
Anime is propaganda
nippon is so kawai I wish we'd get nuked by americans too, I want pooland to be this kawaiiiiiii-san
no, very hard days
>tfw never experienced school uniforms, school festival, school trip to hokkaido, or clubs as a highschooler
why live ?
Cool fashion tho
Iktfb. It's not fair
>tfw no clubs, school festivals, sport festivals in my school
I'm sure it's not like anime but it sure as hell sounds way more fun than my shitty school
We had school uniforms, and the girls were so cute in skirts and tight leggings (they deliberately wore them to show their butts to guys).
how's the swedish high school like?
yes, aside from the brutal academic pressure
But they can just get part-time jobs fighting demons while Christmas cake qts and schizo qts alike drool over them. Why even bother doing good in school?
Cool school Japan. Kicking asses is most important skill in life.
Teacher > Ami > Taiga > Minorin
>tfw will never be a Japanese delinquent
Are Japanese teachers really as based as Onizuka?
That first one is just copying white people, and the second one is cringey black influence
gureto desu yo
yes thanx
yes some teacher