Would you purchase a wh*Te sex slave?

Would you purchase a wh*Te sex slave?
What price would you be willing to pay?

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>purchasing a depreciating asset

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>What price would you be willing to pay?

Nothing. Allah gifted them to us in the knowledge that they would be a worthless commodity meant solely for pleasure. I would pay more for a grain of salt.

Oh damn image all the fun we'd have! I'll pay it all, no matter the price!

There is no such thing as a free lunch, Masha'Allah. Pay for your goods.

They don’t have value why do you think men go to Latin and Asian countries to have a ex with women never European ones

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ITT : Wogs and wog larpers

I'm willing to purchase a German slave.

Mail order bride agencies ask for about 30~50k for one from Ukraine/Russia

t. somali immigrant

I would pay you to get them away from me

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i would pay nothing
wh*Te women BEG for my green-eyed brown haired BROWN cock

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wh*Te women are already mine for the taking, I don't have to pay anything

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Why are you hating on Germany so much?

I'll pay same the price Indian men pay for the ones traveling in India.

That girl is not even white, she is Mongolian.



ITT: Wh*te women belong to me, even though irl they avoid me

I better buy new pc

Aww he corrected my mistake.

I would pay 10% of what I have

why would i buy trash?

I do not purchase wh*Te slave, i would enter the wh*Te household, slaughter the males, take in my custody the children & enslave the women

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but what would you do the wh*Te children """males""" once they've grown up?