This might be the most German thing ever:

This might be the most German thing ever:

A cyclist was driving on a "bike road". It's like a normal road, in this case cars are allowed as well, but as a car driver you have to adjust your speed to the bikes and have to give way for the bikes.

Some guys in a truck tried to drive by a parked car. The girl demanded that they should drive backwards and make way for her.

The guys in the truck thought that driving backwards blindly was out of the question. So they stared at each other for 40 minutes till the police arrived and told the hoe to get off of her bike.

translation of the tweet:
Bike road. He doesn't want to wake or make way. We've been in a stare-off for 10 minutes.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-11-20 19-58-31.png (530x697, 495K)

Unironically autism

what is it about Germans that makes them so autistic?

maybe your people put something in our water after the war.

Here is a sample reply btw:

I can't believe it!!! fucking smilies #car-land #car-lobby @police_Hamburg you can't be serious

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-11-20 20-05-17.png (558x337, 44K)

ich verstehe deutsch, user

Sorry kann ich ja nicht wissen

I would go to Autoland if such a thing existed.

>So they stared at each other for 40 minutes till the police arrived
Why didn't she just get off the bike and carry it around the truck? It takes no more than 10 seconds. Dumb woman

Lol what

Attached: 1498239684052.png (247x253, 136K)

Sindelfingen is pretty close to it a city that basically belongs to Daimler Benz

Women are the worst people. Honestly, if you are in a hurry, you're better off just doing whatever they say. But if you're not in a hurry, sure, block the road for 40 minutes and have a stare-off with a woman.

Something similar happened to me. A woman cut me off - meaning SHE was in the wrong - but then she got out of the car to scream at me. Wtf? Women aren't even people, they're weird aliens

Let me get this straight, she's on a bike? Why didn't she just go around the truck?

War nur Spab! ich verstehe nicht.

Don't make it as though you don't understand what this is about

Because she is a bitch and theoretically she's right. Cars have to give way to bikes on bike roads but in this case it's pretty much impossible....and she just didn't want to. The police told her to gtfo after they arrived after 40minutes...

Wtf that would disrupt the order in the universe and probably cause a paradox!
Befehl ist befehl!

good joke

Dafür schreibst du aber echt gut!

Truck driver would have ran her over in my city
Krauts are literal NPCs

user, I...

She might have been beaten by a van man over here.

Hannover...sorry forgot about the Hansestadt stuff...

>Befehl ist befehl!
Next time with Spanish Italy.

>Truck driver would have ran her over in my city

I have no doubts that this is true, but here in Germany we still have non-arab truck drivers

>Has a bike as her profile pic

She's really about that life.

Over here we wouldn't be stupid enough to build roads where massive unagile vehicles have to make way for things you can just pick up and walk around with.

>be a dick in traffic
>instantly post it on twitter
Should have given her a ticket for using a phone at the wheel (or handlebar)

Don't you guys have those militant bikers in the UK?

I could imagine same happening here

>Scrolling through her twitter

Wow. This bitch really fucking hates cars kek. From this I can tell she definitely would have stayed there for the whole day.

Actually she tried to get the guys in the van ticketed for using their cell phones to call the police while the engine was running can't find the tweet arm though

Ich spreche ein wenig deutsch. Ich Weib es ist schwer

We're brothers in autism

Attached: my-favorite-food-helper-4166190.png (500x300, 30K)

Maybe it happened to her before and she had enough of it, she did nothing wrong IMO

Why wouldn't the passenger be allowed to use his phone? It's just the guy driving who isn't allowed to.

>This might be the most German thing ever
nah, this is

Attached: opa.png (504x288, 16K)

>militant biker
Why they are always angry?

What's wrong with planning ahead?

This is a British English board, pls translate.

Average native French driver is truck of peace tier tho, people getting run over to death day one of yellow vests chimpout confirmed that

I don't even fucking understand the situation. What does the car on the left have to do with the girl on the bike? Is she not moving? Is there traffic in front of her? I don't get this

oh it is an oncoming lane? i thought there were going in the same direction.

Wtf I love German humor now

Why didn’t they just shoot about it?

The car on the left is parked
The truck tried to go around it, where he encountered the fraulein who took the picture, on her bike
They got into a standoff and since germany is an incredibly boring country this is news

"When your grandfather and I drove to Switzerland by car to go skiing over Eastern, I had to pack my luggage three days in advance before the departure. He then measured the finished luggage. Then he drew a blueprint of our car's trunk and drew in every piece of luggage true to scale so he could optimally store the luggage. We never made a good couple, your grandfather and I."

Whenever your granddad and I went to Switzerland for skiing vacation, I had to prepare all luggage three days ahead. He measured the luggage and made a plan of the trunk of our car. After that he added the suitcases to the drawing to scale. That way he could determine how to optimally pack the suitcases into the trunk. We were a bad match your granddad and me

Sounds pretty EFFICIENT of him.

They would if they could.
That's why we don't have guns.

Yeah I got it now,the road looks so narrow i thought it was a one way road so they were going in the same direction. How the fuck is parking even allowed there.

Sounds like an optimization problem. Calculus 2.

I have to admit it was well thought for a souless AI

Meanwhile it diverted the po po away from more pressing issues in Germany, such as North African sexual molesters.

Have you seen German women? I'm glad we don't have to molest them ourselves anymore.

u gay bro ?

Sometimes I wish I was m8

Just found this gem. The police says that the guys in the van had to drive through the street, since it's their job to fix the lane markings in that area

Attached: markierungsarbeiten.png (602x464, 71K)