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International #977
Anyone here have hair like this
Why do people take this Balding, mid-thirties, divorcee seriously
Sverigetråden - Black Friday upplagan
/fr/ - le fil francophone et francophile
Chinese Mandarin Thread
There are girls browsing this website right now
1. your cunt
Do you love your dad?
What would an Jow Forums that isn't just 90% generals and autistic obsession about Americans be like?
32 days until Christmas
Does pic related happen in your cunt?
I find it genuinely disturbing how Germany still exists to this day after all the crimes it committed in 20 century...
Do Latin Americans ever wish they were still part of Spain/Portugal?
/brit/ - basedboys
1. your cunt
Can you buy a microwavable version of your country's most important feast?
Are Pacific Islanders the most physically dominant men in the planet ?
Stop bullying us :(
ITT: we post based shields
*sees two vowels together in a foreign word*
Brazil is third wo-
I imagine a stable and prosperous country...
You are only allowed to post in this thread if your country is a friend of Poland
Why do Mexicans look so much like Poojeets?
How can I forgive Americans after spreading Protestantism to Latin America?
Several million men were drafted to fight, and ended up dying, in world war 2
Sverigeråden - Nattupplagan
I wish I could fuck my cousin
How old are you?
How common in your country are shops that take cards?
Nationalist Eastern Unity When? (Eastern Europe/North Caucasus)
A polish or russian girl who works for the french government stalked me yesterday
Wake up on north sentinel island
How do you imagine life in America
USA just selected two bases for support of its next-gen B-21 bomber
Country relationships on Jow Forums that you are jealous of
Slavs are not white
Be american
Why are the French greedy?
What are thanksgiving dinners like?
Why do people say south Brazil is so good? It doesn't do particularly well in any study that measures quality of life
Whites with brown hair and eyes > Whites with blue eyes and blond hair
Top 10 most bullied countries on Jow Forums
If Anglos have history and culture, why did they feel the need to steal everyone else's?
Varma Varaprasad is still molesting Polish girls at Euroweek
Who is white?
You have 10 seconds to be as much american as possible
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
German historians say in a new book that at least 400...
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
An American told me that everybody in America has at least a little bit of Native American blood
/fr/ - francofil
Your cunt
Is Oregon comfy? Hope so :3
Does your country consumes large quantities of whiskey?
Did you asked for bobs pics user?
Any other blacks in the board?
What are you thankful for, Jow Forums?
Post pics that make you nostalgic
This is a math question from the SAT, the test that most Americans take as a requirement for college. Thoughts?
Can Spaniards from Jow Forums pls help me choose my Spanish Erasmus University?
Portugal é Galiza
Sverigetråden - Tåhåtråden
Thank you france for paying my welfare
I suffer in Scandinavia or Switzerland
/ITA/ - il filo
What is your favorite type of music Jow Forums?
/banter free/
Why do european assumes their values are universal or even desired by non westerners?
He's actually going to prison
But I never liked Columbus. In Napoli, a lot of people, not so happy for Columbus. He was from Genoa...
80% of polacks have the same hair color
You wake up in Mexico, 1915
Name the country avobe you
Be me
Sverigetråden - Asiatiska upplagan
Which side do you support in the great Anglo-Russian banter war?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Jow Forums tv series
What are the consequenses of being an USA ally?
Could I pass as a local in your cunt?
Why are white women struggling to attract men ?
/MeNa/ - Middle East and North Africa
In this tinny ass island live 21 million people
Wanna lift with us?
Are green eyes really considered non-european?
Least livable cities in the world
What happens here?
User, I just arrived from Venezuela and I don’t have anywhere to sleep, can I stay in your home?
European Princess Showdown
Hey frens, what province of Canada do you love the most?
Rhodesia was just African Israel and it's end was totally justified
Me on the right
Are we gonna win the drug war?
This is the future of Europe
ATT: Wa raplaca all vawals wath 'A'
/fr/ - francofil
Finland under Fennoswedish elites
1 million births a year
Nice picture of Real Americans
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Can Jow Forums find me in this work group photo?
Should the UK become a federation?
Post your diocese's Coat of Arms
How do we fix the Mexico problem, Jow Forums?
What are some comfy Jow Forumsernational songs?
Girls - Bandy edition
ITT: “““countries””” you hate with a passion
Woah... anglos look like THAT?!
Do you like the US?
Only two more months until the Asian Cup
Tfw even if you were ever to move to Japan or if you do live in Japan you will never get to grow up japanese and...
Why don't Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving?
Black women are perfect
*dabs on amerisharts*
This picture is a masterpiece. I call it "The Beauty Advantage"
/ita/ - il filo
Why do people put so much emphasis on group assignments at university?
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
New map
ITT We say nice things about France
Your country
Is he dare I say it../ourguy/?
Who are we trying to fool? Brazil is an artificial nation with no relevant history
Facebook slammed for allowing South Sudanese user to auction off 16-year-old bride
Britain, germany and france
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Romania is expected to overtake Hungary in GDP per capita by 2025
If Americans are Burgers and French are Frogs, what food would your countrymen be called?
Your Ethnicity
/lat/ - hilo latino
What are the must-see christian landmarks and traditions of your country?
Renault is over
KARA BOGA unironically kills a wh*Te dog with a single punch
Bongs, explain this
This is how the most popular artists of today look like
Daily reminder that Finland belongs to the true Finns (Fennoswedes) and not Uralic mongol invaders
I like yayoi better
Why is eastern europe so based?
Tfw your cunt has the most UNESCO heritage sites in the region
Hey France, you OK over there?
I went out for a walk in the park today and took some photos with my shitty phone 4u
Childhood friend
Thank you, based Ireland
Name one (1) country shittier than the Philippines
V4 + friends
Ask anything for a brazilian in Australia
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
America’s Baby Bust
IQ by country
/brit/ V2.0
Why do Brits wash their dishes in a plastic bowl?
Your cunt + Biggest criminal gang in your cunt
Flag of the Republic of Khalistan
Wats for lunch int
Post your window view
Poland appreciation thread
When euroniggers chimpout someone has to teach them their ppace and thats why god created Russians
Finn in Russia
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2083
I would personally slaughter all of you if it meant I could see Tenochtitlan with my own eyes
Does your cunts population fall for Russian propaganda?
Kurva anyátok
White (Nordic) woman with husband (American)
This is a beach in America. Notice anything?
Culture Pals - /cp/
This is the guy that drowned his baby daughter because God told him to...
Why do Americans struggle to drink water?
Why don't you have a japanese gf yet?
Lmao what the fuck India?
What country produces the best music and why is it Finland?
It's thanksgiving
What are the beauty standards for women like in your country?
I am a white Italian man
What poor people of your country drive?
Dios mio...why do Koreans do this?
What was your dream career as a young lad?
/Balk/ Balkan General
Lewis Hamilton says there is poverty in India
*destroys Jow Forumsedditors*
What did your family members do in World War 2?
Let's be honest
He still thinks suffering exists in f*rst world
White people what is the best ASEAN country and why?
They can't even draw a fucking mouse family without doing it
1.YOU Kant 2.Does your country have saying, proverb, or idiom which cat is used?
Fucking kill me
Why do porn sites have share buttons?
What's wrong with watching his video, Jow Forums?
I have never sexted with someone
Swedish girls are iron deficient
Your cunt
Reminder that all homosexuals are subhumans that can adopt actual children
Siberia seems comfy desu
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does your country support legalisation of love?
Ni hao
What do med grills like
This is what American culture does to women
Global warming
LOOK WHO CAME OUT HIS CAVE, it's user Autism
Is it true that they sell these at Walmart?
Why does ASIA have better 7/11’s?
How would you spend $100 billion in a smart but original way...
Europeans explain yourselves
Holy. Fucking. Based
Why are we so polite while Americans are rude?
This is China's richest man. Say something about him
Extremely racist, xenophobic post featuring such epic words as nigger and kike
Wat dat mouf do
Second most spoken language
/luso/ fio luso
/jumpys/ ehemals /deutsch/
I just recently married my girlfriend of three years (18yo now) who is ethnically German...
1.35 billion black people on the planet
Just Americans giving tribute to Poland yet again
/fr/- le fil francophone
Why is Jow Forums so slow? Why do people prefer Jow Forums?
I’m assembling a team
ITT we remember white america
/mutt/ general
Quick question
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan
What are the different stereotypes of Latin American countries among Latin Americans?
Back when I first came on Jow Forums people used to post Islamic anthems called nasheeds
/lat/ - hilo latino
How do you guys deal with the act that you'll never be German?
Why don't Americans have free healthcare and education?
You may not like it
Communism is actually not all that ba-
Indian femanon here. I have something on my chest that I need to get out today
*blocks your way*
Are heir and air pronounced exactly the same or are there subtle differences only a native speaker will pick up
Well, user, what are you? Sunni..... or Shia?
Remove wh*tes
I have never been on a train
If you are not hairy you are a nigger
Do you think that device could prevent americans from killing each other?
What are cops like in your cunt?
Sverigetråden Emmaupplagan
Which country is the most carnivorous?
Would you be submissive to a Portuguese sugar daddy?
Why do chinese run people over on purpose?
He’s an American btw
Brit on holiday here! i fucking LOVE america!
This is America's only chance to redeem themselves for all their shitposting. Free my nigga 6ix9ine
Are here any femanons who hate their country's men because they look like orcs?
Are all finnish women like this?
/nachtschicht/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
1. Your cunt?
How will Jow Forums deal with the fact that Brazil will soon be first world?
Someone just raped a 94 year old lady in my town
Japan WTF? I thought Japan was supposed to be progresssive as hell?
Now that Putin is miles ahead in popularity than the commies...
Urban sprawl should be banned
How do our friends from Jow Forums justify this?
ITT: say something nice about the Sentinelese people
What physical characteristics do people in your country possess Jow Forums?
Tell me about the australian. why does he eat the slug?
Do you guys take the opinions of anyone here seriously?
Americans have no cul-
What do you think about Spain user?
/ita/ - il filo
Be Christian
Sverigetråden - Hungerspelsupplagan
Shut the FUCK up
Fuck the janny fucking bitch cunt motherfucker piece of shit
1. your vagina
Actually proud of this
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
Absolute state of Portugal
Does your country have a version of the Wild West?
How long would this take in you're cunt?
Is it possible to be human and like Argentinians at the same time?
Why are anti social Iraqi boys in London so attractive?
So you're telling me that the formidable warriors so called vikings looked like this?
I'm so very sad. I think I may have depression
He isn't smart or rich enough to be an expat
Unpopular International opinions
Apologize Thread
Living in the thirld world
Centre of European Art and Culture stretching back for centuries
This land is mine. God gave this land to me
Itt good guys of history:
Is it true you need a master's degree just to get a decent job in Germany?
Do you want children Jow Forums?
What’s it like being gay in your part of the cunt? I just got jumped yesterday for having a boyfriend
Post Jow Forums couples
Post Houses of Government from your province/state/territory
What did you today for Africa ?
Why is G*rmany the single worst thing to happen to the world?
Innocent people getting close to island
Would you come to colombia with me, user?
What would you do to these beautiful girls if you could???
What's the worst European country?
What is life like in Mexico?
Be American
Hey Jow Forums
/debreziner/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why can't Americans respect isolated island people?
1) ur cunt
These are average American zoomers
Makes me pretty sad to see racist jokes and intolerant stereotypes on this board. You may think these jokes are funny...
CRUSADE for North Sentinel Island
Your cunt
It's 2:40 here
Will we ever see Pan-Racialism between them like we see in the West? What would happen if they were to unite?
Post pic of your lunch or dinner
N*rdoids ruin metal. Prove me wrong
1. Your language
Why do British men look normal for the most part but most British women look atrocious?
B i r b s
This is the gf of that russian kid who shot up his university a few weeks ago
Is it true Brazilian women are number one ?
This is an american castle
All the countries should be a monarchy
Swedish fans during the recent football match between Russia and Sweden
Italian volunteer kidnapped in Kenya
Have you ever seen someone die?
How good is your cunt at chess?
/ita/ il filo di chi non ha voglia
The swedish flag appears in the sky after a victorious battle as a symbol from GOD to his chosen people, the swedes
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
ITT: Things brainlets say in your country
I firmly believe that Hungarians are Slavs and as such we Hungarians must thrive for uniting our people...
Wy are they so culturally different despite being so geographically close?
Germany is honorary eastern Europe
Why are German posters so obsessed with this region? I get that it used to be German, but isn't it time to let go?
Who were the great powers of 2018?
Why they dont speak Italian instead of Spanish?
Does the average Mexican feel any sort of guilt for what they’re doing to the USA?
Deported cuban doctors with racist comments against them triggering a crisis in the tiny cities that were dependent on...
Sverigetråden - Onsdagsupplagan
Sverigetråden - Kondylomupplagan
Anyone dating swedish women in 2018 would have to be fucking retard...
"hurr spain is a desert dryland"
Its not fair bros
Nordic cities are soulless and ugl- Halleluja Jesus of Nasaret and mother of god
Italy should face disciplinary action after “serious non-compliance ” with EU fiscal rules...
Guess her nationality:)
How are Chechens viewed by Russians?
Why are MENAs considered white in America?
Who are the "bad guys" of history in your opinion?
The american empire is collapsing. anyone else /happy/?
Be american
What do you think about Georgian girl ?
This is Svalbard
You can take any one of these lovely Swedish lasses to prom at the local castle. Whom do you choose?
I wish my country was colonized by the British
I believe that the country of Niger was named after the Niger River and not some french colonialist fcker messing with...
Let's share time we went to brothels or hired hookers lads
/balk/ - Balkan General
/fr/ - Le Francofil : Édition Merguez
Why are American tourists so insufferable?
Why do brits discriminate poles if both are white?
/fr/ - froncophone
Do negroes really have dig bick? Why are Nigerian women so unsatisfied?
How the heck do I make fun of Denmark? I've tried looking but don't really see a flaw
I am atheist
You will see the UK break up in your lifetime
Wake up
Thot cage edition
Wh*toids are nazis, case closed
How do armenians feel about turkey as of 2018? do you guys still hate them for what happened in 1915?
Post completelly outdated/made up stereotypes about your country and some true ones
My mom works in the same uni that I'm studying in and one of my professors approached her saying that I've failed most...
Return this
Yikes yikes yikes ahah
Your cunt
Where do you see the EU in:
D-Do you like Mexico and mexicans? D-do you like me, foreign senpais?
I don't get why Poles hate Russians
Is this meme faggot famous in your cunt?
Gaijin? No. Call me Gaikokujin
Sverigetråden - Gotlandsupplagan
All desertwomen in Sweden look exactly like this, as if they were copied
I'm turning 18 today
Which dude would you befriend the most?
China needs to be more wester-
Wats for breakfast int
1. Your language
This is the cultural capital of Pakistan, Lahore
What Happens Here? Is this the best region in Europe, literally?
Look at all those answers. Why cannot people admit the truth?
Do you REALLY love Japan?
Are tattoos considered taboo in your country?
Kurva anyátok
What do Germans or other Central Euros learn about Prussia in school? Is it positive or negative history...
Porn in your country
Why don't you have a japanese gf yet?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Show me how you live
If african americans feel so oppressed in america then why don't they just return to africa?
I hold the french in the highest esteem
Do you hate tourists/travellers from your country Jow Forums? I hate seeing other Aussies abroad
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Name one (1) cultural achievement from this place
Do you love Ukraine Jow Forums?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
In china, this is a meme
Boo hoo, I can’t afford to buy a new Ferrari with my NEETbux!
= india + korea
ITT: Bizarro world Jow Forums
Hey janny wanny, why don'tcha go a ahead and pin this thread for me like a good boy?
/lang/ – Language Learning General (embed)
The one thing all Americans fear
What do you think about real china ?
"The man who biked from India to Sweden for love"
Why are the Dutch so tall?
What does pussy smell and taste like in your country?
/Lat/ - hilo latino
Rate my home Jow Forums and post yours
Lol why are brown people always so butthurt
1. Your cunt
Post uniquely American things
You walk into your room and see this. What you gonna do?
Wake up
Is it better than the former one??
Why are Mexicans so prone to random violence?
Are you jealous of America's level of free speech? I am not...
Does your country has white people as a minority?
Does Jow Forums support a universal language?
Do americans really lock their food in small cages?
What do Japaneses actually think about him now?
It's up boys
So i have noticed something whenever i go to Youtube and listen to a confederate war song the Serbians and other...
What race is this?
Geneticists says Russians aren't Mongol rapebabies but got their Mongoloid blood from Finns
Philippines is a 3rd Wor—
What country do you prefer, China or Japan?
Americans took four years to repair a bridge
I come from a country where we have a "sustainable" economy as far as it goes...
Leaves China the moment it gets a little bit more nationalist
/ita/ - il filo
No culture
Feeling down, Jow Forums?
Why are German and Slavic blonds bracycephalic
Me on the right
What boards when Jow Forums splits will be most effected
Fuck, Jow Forums. I'm in the middle of a dump and I realised there's no toilet paper
If offered a full ride, which uni would you rather study in?
I wish I was american
Your country
What do you call this phenotype?
How different are they from Russia ?
Why are Lithuanians and Belarussians so based
Post your town city flag this is mine it has berries on it
Wtf Brazil
One chance at life
'Tijuana first!': protests grow against migrant caravan in Mexico
This image ENRAGES Jow Forums
Why do famous Jap singers love white men...
/lat/: Hilo latino
Rare Countries
Rare footage of an australian mother with her childrens
I challenge all asians to explain to me what white rice tastes like
Im so tired of being alone
You and your native language is based and redpilled if it directly translates this animal into Wash bear or Washing...
So, how much do you make per month, Jow Forums?
His country's flag has yellow symbols on a white background
/New England/
How would South America and Latin America turn out if Britain colonized them instead of Spain?
1. cunt
Caribbean women, particularly Colombians and Puerto Ricans, are my biggest weakness
I love my
/v4/ only
/V4/+ frens
Would pic related pass as local in your country?
It's almost December and I haven't even seen snow yet! What the fuck is going on?
Why Mexico gets the cool characters in videogames and animes...
Jewish man livestreamed him torturing three muslim women in California
Why are br*wnoids so unoriginal? dark eyes, dark hair, dark skin
Egypt is almost done building it's need capital and i wanted to know what would Jow Forums name it
Do you remember the greatest shitpsoter of Jow Forums?
Im currently in a train that hit someone who tried to kys
Before you learnt English, what did it sound like to you? Ugly? Romantic? Harsh? Warm? Neutral? Something else...
Shame on you Serbia
So are the Ainu like, the Amerindians of Japan ?
What the fuck is wrong with americans?
WTF America?
I am a turk living in Germany :3
Mfw an american posts in a thread clearly about european culture injecting his own trash McCulture into it seeking...
German "aryan" general and a Japanese general
/balk/ = niggers of europe
Tfw born and raised in this country but I really hate the people here
Sverigetråden - Kasslerns egna upplaga
How did Brazil elect this guy?
Your cunt
Best food in the world
Renault is all the proof you need that Germany is better than France
A soldier of the Turkish Brigade being congratulated by his commander for advancing through the Chinese positions...
I hate our president so much
Your Cunt
Name 1 Bulgarian person
Are Canadian girls pretty ?
Happy birthday to me
Post typical large towns from your country
Sverigetråden - Pikachu-upplagan
Nooo save me lithuania
Why is the Portuguese language so beautiful?
/ita/ - il filo
Guess the European nationality
Is any brazilian brand known outside of brazil?
I refer to Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians as "Eastern Europeans", because I know how butthurt it makes them
Is there any country safe for manlets?
ITT: Say nice things about Germany
What is Jow Forums's current shoes?
Why aren't they as shitty as all the other shitty Sl*v countries?
If you don't call germans "mutes", you are not a real slav
Is indian food the best in the world?
Why do americans do this?
Sverigetråden - Tåhåtråden
Indian women are ugl-
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city...
43 cops have been killed in America this year
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Post a castle from the city you live in to spite non-europeans
My conversation with my dad minutes ago
Don't non-white immigrants ever feel guilty?
Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand...
Can he be considered as a NEET or is philosopher saves him to be called a NEET?
Which one is the GOAT plug and why is it Type F?
This might be the most German thing ever:
UN migration compact
Are they literally the worst at warfare out of any nation in history?
>be 1 year old american >get strangled by 6 year old sister
European super-state will lead the new world order
Italy are you ok
No power rules forever. one day america will fall
My queen
Why is this place so addictive? I've wasted literally hundreds and hundreds of hours of my life...
I have Rusyn ancestry
/ita/ - il filo
For me it's 4
/balk/ - Balkan General for Balkanoids
This is me. Before anyone says "go back to Algeria" or some shit, I'm a white Brazilian, not a sandn****r
Hilo latino /lat/
Civ 6 just added Sweden, Maori, and Eleanor of Acquitane as a leader for France/England. I'm curious, though...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship