So are the Ainu like, the Amerindians of Japan ?

So are the Ainu like, the Amerindians of Japan ?

Attached: IMG_0758.jpg (779x1024, 283K)

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Attached: Haplogroup_D_(Y-DNA)_migration.png (1648x972, 357K)

Attached: Map_of_gene_flow_in_and_out_of_Beringia.jpg (708x884, 237K)

I don't know how to read this

I'll summarize it for you: we are all niggers.

what he is saying is that ainu are africans, but how do we know this guy is right? It's all speculation.

No, they were like Southern Indian/Austroloid + Proto-Tungusic + Austronesian

pic related: ancient Jomon samples from Southern Japan during Late Jomon period

They are actually best modeled by Onge + Ancient Proto-East Asian

Attached: southernjomon.png (1001x669, 36K)

38% Onge-like DNA, 62% Ami/Proto-East Asian DNA

Attached: F3.large.jpg (337x308, 29K)

ethnogenesis of ainu proper is rather late, around 1100AD when the emishi of the satsumon culture in northern honshu crossed the strait and merged with nivkh of the okhotsk culture on the northern coast of hokkaido.

Ainu = Jomon + Okhotsk people (similar to Nivkhs and Tungusic peoples of the Amur)

i do't understand


nah it's more complicated than that. it's emishi-jomon + okhotsk people.
On the emishi:
>Recent scholarship has created a much more complicated portrait of this people. By and large, they are seen as indigenous to Japan and not simply as ancestors to the Ainu, but descendants of the Jōmon.
>The Emishi were composed of two main populations, the Jōmon Ainoid who were the majority and a smaller group the Kofun united by a common Ainoid language distinct from Japanese. These two populations were not distinguished by contemporaries, but rather by present-day physical anthropologists. Historically, they were seen as one group by contemporaries, mainly those who were descendants of the natives (the Jōmon) called Emishi and Ebisu who also had in their population those of mixed ethnicity, most likely descendants of early Japanese colonists.
>Though it is not known how much the Emishi population changed as Japanese settlers and frontiersmen began to live in their territories even before the conquest, the existence of Emishi Kofun types attests to some form of ethnic mixing. The Japanese established trading relations with the Emishi by which their horses were imported and iron tools and weapons exported to their territories. To complicate matters, some ethnic Japanese allied themselves with the Emishi in their wars against the Yamato court. The latter were known in the Nihon Shoki as "Japanese captives" of the Emishi.

The Aryans of Japan. Much more chad and powerful than puny Yamato manlets

Attached: Ainu and Japanese soldier.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

I thought Jomon and Ainu were the same thing?
don't worry you're not enough of an HBD autist to understand. These people categorize eveything

ainu and ethnic share a common ancestor in jomon, while japanese is jomon/yayoi mix and ainu is jomon/yayoi/nivkh mix. yayoi component is stronger in japanese.

ethnic japanese

Attached: East_Asian_Y-DNA_Haplogroup_Migrations.jpg (970x1074, 450K)

japanese are more jomon than your map shows.

Attached: 1024px-Geographic_distributions_of_Y_chromosome_haplogroups_D-M174_in_East_Asia.png (1024x965, 641K)

Attached: Frequencies_of_Y-DNA_Haplogroup_D_and_O_in_different_Japanese_population,.png (527x600, 169K)