
Congratulations, Europe.

Attached: 5th.jpg (800x887, 185K)

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what's the point, the enemy is inside, not outside
if i have to choose between white america, white russia, and brown europe, i am betraying europe on the 1st day of the war

weak bait

It's just gonna be another eurofighter where they'll have tons of disagreements and then the French will end up making their own.

i hope donald trump puts you in a concentration camp, faggot

>white America
>white Russia

Attached: 1538840900856.png (700x700, 14K)

whiter than you mamadou

Ah yes indeed

Attached: 20180910_metro_Frey_census-datacharts-revised-Fig1.png (768x719, 29K)

yes ? so what, it's pretty white
all of them are christian
the niggers are in jail
seems fine

this looks much better than french racial profiling would if it were allowed

>tfw no fighter jets

Attached: Concorde.jpg (600x309, 47K)