Fuck, Jow Forums. I'm in the middle of a dump and I realised there's no toilet paper

Fuck, Jow Forums. I'm in the middle of a dump and I realised there's no toilet paper.
What do?

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Of course this post was made by an australian

You’d say the same thing if it was any English speaking country

Clean your ass with hand and rare flag will appear

Turkey isn't a rare flag

;_; ok bye


You told me when I sat next to you in class during math


use the bidet

The world needs more bidets.

use the receipts from your wallet

I am the only one that actually makes sure to have paper around before taking a shit?

I just checked, no receipts, a couple movie tickets and some Fahrkarte from a ferry I caught like 5 years ago.

Eh, why bother. Worst comes to worst you can wipe your arse on a small fluffy wild animal if they're around or just crabwalk to the shower.

Wipe with a knife like a boss

channel your inner pajeet

Wow, that's pretty rare

I can't, I was shitting in a bathroom in my own house, not the middle of the street.

Are you alone in your house user? Make sure that you have dumped everything, go outside the bathroom and grab the first thing that you could use to wipe your ass comfortably.
If not then you will have to sacrifice your underwear for the greater good.

I just took a shower and washed my muddy crudhole off that way. Also who still wears underwear?

>Also who still wears underwear?

Why? Let your boys have the space they need.

Have a jap lick your bum

I knew Peru was third world but wow

Wait until nobody else is in the bathroom, then get up and move to another stall. Use paper towels if all stalls are out.

Get up and get a new roll. Use tissues if you need to.

Use your bide-

Nevermind, deal with it

In a civilized nation you could find a bidet

use a newspaper


>australians don't have pussyphone
>1st world

Shit on the floor

Grab a spider from the ceiling and wipe your ass with that instead

Shit in the shower

flush the toilet
wipe you ass with your hand
rinse hand in the toilet bowl
repeat until ass is clean

Imagine not washing your butt after taking a stinky shit
Lebanon ?

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