Me on the right

Me on the right

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Witch one?

Me on the middle

>Your children are going to have low IQ
He is not wrong...

>I don't understand averages

Me on the left

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I don't get this meme? Why would nonwhite people be Jow Forumsacks? That would like a black guy being in the Aryan brother hood

They'll probably be happier for it.

>I don't get this meme?

A lot of Jow Forumsfags are literally mutts.

Attached: pol white nationalists.jpg (1440x1080, 306K)

That typical Jow Forums autist on the left doesn't even plan to be with any woman so they have no right to care.

Attached: pol.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Attached: white nationalists.png (577x265, 160K)

Needs to be fat, ugly and bald

Attached: pol meet irl.jpg (2048x1536, 817K)

>He doesn't understand regression to the mean

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>these guys are calling you Muhammed
really makes you think

to be fair, the only ones who go to those are the ones autistic enough to actually go to meetups

Dias mio

>Make fun of mutts
>Make fun of people who want to be pure raced
>Then posts mixed racial couples that produces mutts.
Is this the famous Canadian doublethink?

>The faces of new Jow Forums
Some times i feel like i'm the only white person on Jow Forums

Regression to the mean is regression to the parental mean you dumb nigger.
If it meant inevitable regression to the group mean then selection for intelligence would be impossible.

wtf im racist now

>implying you're white

>Suicide >>>>> Marriage with Black Women

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god i love it when they meet in public, makes me feel so much better about myself

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Genetics have multifaceted expressions
The IQ of a mixed race child from a white man and a black woman that have achieved the same or similar degree of education would be negligible at best.

this, marrying outside of your class is much worse than marrying outside of your race, all things considered

>Be called Moor by Americans and have your European heritage questioned on Jow Forums
>I'm whiter than 90% of them

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