Feeling down, Jow Forums?

Feeling down, Jow Forums?

Just a friendly reminder that at least you're not a filthy Indian.


Attached: Indian_Man_with_Mustache.jpg (480x640, 121K)

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im Indian

im Indian


but i'm peruvian so it's basically the same

It's like the blade runner future but it's real

Im Greek.

and you are an insecure chink

But you dont live in India.

100 times better than India.

imagine how old delhi looks like

>Not a single car crashing into people and running over their corpses
I've watched too many China videos.

I liked where i lived in India though

Attached: 11391178-Political-map-of-India-with-the-several-states-where-Kerala-is-highlighted--Stock-Vector (1 (1209x1300, 91K)

Morocco in some parts is basically India, just smaller and less crowded

Go back to your country, Pajeet. I'm aryan.

Attached: 20181105_062356.png (331x316, 53K)


prove it


Pajeets are aryan

Attached: blue eyed indian.jpg (168x270, 18K)

How did you escape from that shithole? Are you richfag?

its not a shithole you chink and im not that rich

Then why are you not living in India if its not a shithole? What are you doing in a white country?

to contribute to white genocide

That is old delhi, pretty sure.

Should have clarified - that is not new delhi. video title is wrong

would you rather be a chink or a pajeet?

Attached: 1539568996358.gif (352x240, 458K)

>cheer up user, here's a reminder that life is a living hell by showing you other people who had it worse than you by dumb luck

is this a joke?

Attached: indians.webm (1280x720, 2.42M)

The cameraman walks into a group of men that are walking side by side. The guy who is directly in front of his way notices the camera walking directly towards them. What does he do? Make space for him? Slow his path in order to walk behind his friends? No. Fuck that, he arranges his hair for the camera like the jerk he is. Fucking animal!

at least they have a culture

I am a Volga Indian.

Lmao,even my shithole is better


Attached: 1539913877517.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

based and redpilled
kill whitey
breed their daughters

imagine the smell

based ausmello