They'd have to be pretty damn hard if even the Ivans are put off by them.
How are Chechens viewed by Russians?
they're chimpy and annoying but too small and minor to really deserve El Putin's wrath
Worst Caucasians. Even dagestanians are better. Stalin had to genocide all chechens
Chechens are greatest allies
The fuck you're on about?
They're Russia's puppet all around, Kadirov is Putin's fuccboi
>pretty damn hard
Not really. It's not toughness that's off-putting but the bydloness of some of them. Chechens are generally ok though, in my experience. Most keep to themselves and are modest people, even if they come to Russia proper. It's the dagestanis that act like retards.
Even if you dislike us Chechens you have to admit that we are based, if Swedes or Germans were as nationalistic as us then Europe would be great.
>Chechens dont allow their women to marry foreigners
>No Gays
Famous Chechen singer tried to marry a Armenian, Kadyrov kidnapped her and brought her back to Chechnya and scolded her on live TV for trying to marry a foreigner
Chechen group beating up foreigners trying to pick up their Girls:
Why don't you live there?
>No Gays
Based Chechen, keeping his land based.