

Attached: 11525211.jpg (606x605, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


cCc Devleti Aliyye Osmaniye cCc

Attached: ottoman_empire_coat_of_arms_by_saracennegative-d7fvpav[1].png (1191x670, 1.53M)

I used to orbit a Hungarian girl who had that exact haircut a few years before, but my arms didn't look like that though, might as well have been thinner than hers.

Unfriendly reminder:

Attached: 1542640141986m.jpg (1024x549, 157K)

Romanians are based and redpilled while hungryans are backstabbing and bluepilled.


Attached: 1542808305528.jpg (4299x6070, 2.85M)

I did that when you were bashing (and rightfully so tbf) the weebs.

pa ti si tatar

>Putting the title in the name field
It's like you want the thread to die.

I can't see but I have a sense the rъмънъън didn't put balkanigger in the title