Kind of like real life Red Dead Redemption 2, except more people dying of dysentery, etc.?
Does your country have a version of the Wild West?
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hell no they don't
Yes, it was Canada
Northern Sweden was a bit of a wild west in the 19th century. Greedy miners, illegal moonshining operations, bandits etc.
I feel like most of Australia is like the Wild West.
We wanted to have a Wild East...
Not sure
Is RDR2 any good? I was thinking of getting it.
Civil war 1918-1924 in Russian Middle East, Far East and Ukraine was very close to Wild West.
Even Soviet movies about those times made after WW2 were very similar to westerns.
Did you like the first game? Do you want a comfy cowboy simulation? If so, then yes. It's fantastic.
Shit map. You promised us Kola peninsula, Meänmaa, Congo and East-Karelia.
Yeah, the first one was cool. I thought it was Grant Theft Auto 1911, but I ended up liking more than any of the GTA games.
Did all the outlaws in Russia go out to the frontier too? I thought people were just forcibly relocated there.
Russia is the Wild West
and that's a good thing
1130-1240, which is considered our "civil-war era"
some monk who wrote our history said this about this period
>... utterly unfitting to record for posterity the crimes, killings, perjuries, parricides, desecration of holy places, the contempt for God, the plundering no less of the clergy than of the whole people, the abductions of women and other abominations which it would take long to enumerate[16]
There was lack of civil/government institutions, therefore shitton of gangs, which literally declared shitton of different independent states, which could be just one village.
You bet
wait...did they really?
90% of violent videos in this country come from there
>trusting germs
wtf I hate Hitler now.
Can a Spaniard tell me how viable my idea of a transplanted neo-western set in 1940-45 Andalusia is
Are you retarded?
Are you?
he clearly is
No, the story is very basic and bland. It's no where near as good as the first one. The world is very big and has a lot of stuff to do though so buy it if you don't mind playing through a shitty campaign
This thread was started by a zoomer
I am surprised no Argentines have posted yet. I want to know what life was like on the ranches of south america during the turn of the 20th century
French Guiana
What about the French colonies in North America and all the fur trappers and what not going out and being mountain men?
Pre-modern Scandinavia was pretty wild west in general seeing as we didn't have feudalism. Especially in the early middle-ages; it wasn't until the high middle ages that we had any proper kings.
It's honestly a shame that more western-style viking films haven't been made. There's Hrafninn Flýgur, and that's it.
Here's educational material on your level
sure, kazak (cossack) means exactly such a person living on the frontier, a free man.
if you are a person that bores easily, it isnt for you
absolute brainlet
>Does your country have a version of the Wild West?
Soviets used to film Easterns - movies about adventurers in the middle of Civil War and post-civil war years. But, to be honest, every rural area away from large cities could be called Wild East even before Civil War.
You know this wild west thing didn't really exist?
We were in a more or less constant state of war for almost half a millenium with the Ottoman Empire, the south-eastern border regions were our Wild West during those years.
>no civilian administration, only direct military rule
>only the most basic laws applied, with local military and sometimes appointed civilians executing them
>complete freedom from taxes, complete freedom of religion and stuff like that
>every able bodied man could get a piece of land for free if he decided to settle there
>in return, he had to be armed and ready to defend the border together with the army at all times
Many balkan people settled there and became farmers after the turks overran their home countries, many former soldiers and outcasts from all around the HRE too.
based retard
Yeah its called Brabant
It's divided between North, South and Central Brabant, the latter two being in Belgium. Has some dope history too.
Factually incorrect. Probably an arab.
>Has some dope history too.
The pacification and colonization of Southern Chile, but the climate was much much more forgiving (ie akin to Northern Europe)
What about age of bandolerismo?
The norf
Yeah, it's called the Wild West
that's filmed in Spain
forgot video
Spain does surprisingly look a lot like northern Mexico/the American southwest, the spaguetti Westerns really were the best ones
They use Helicopters now
I don't think it was intended, but Pan's Labyrinth kind of gave me a western vibe at times
Wouldn’t it be the north for you guys?
What’s so cool about the old west?
North west, the gulf coast up to Tampico was very much settled since colonial times, we call it el viejo Oeste, the old West
Pretty much the first fifty years of nz were like that
The ghettos are like the wild west, but with africans, muslims and gypsies
Mountains I suppose. There are lot of place where there isn't police at all where I live. But you can't go around and shoot bad guys that no
i dont know