Fuck the janny fucking bitch cunt motherfucker piece of shit

fuck the janny fucking bitch cunt motherfucker piece of shit

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fucking based hussar bro

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dont put that sticky up!

quintessentially based and redpilled

QUite based

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll want to raise an international toast
Fuck the janitor!
Fick den hausmeister!
Joder el conserje!
Baiser le concierge!
Fuck vaktmästaren!
Vittu talonmieheltä!
Eбaть двopникa!
Jebać woźnego!
Jeби гaђa!
Bassza meg a házvezetőt!
Dă-i dracului!
اللعنة البواب

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based indeed


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seriously though, what the fuck is with the bans on this board? Its reddit tier moderation

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they deleted an entire general (/luso/) with 100+ replies and warned me just because pic related was the OP image

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You deserved it tbqh

why would you kick your pet nigger down the stairs though

it was a prank

trips of pet niggers getting pranked by getting kicked down the stairs desu

Based janny

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If you ever feel sad or down, just remember that there's someone who spent his entire day running after bunch of autistic shitposters on an anime forum and DOESN'T GET PAID FOR IT.

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that post is /b/ tier though

>Jeби гaђa!
јeби дoмapa
trust me, no one ever calls him "гaђa" we always call him дoмap

Is it porn?

The game was rigged from the start, it's corrupt. Jannies and mods are sensitive snowflakes that take sides.

They're doing it for fun.

Fuck off and die, Jow Forumsscum.

Show me your (you)s janny

>Fuck off and die, Jow Forumsscum.

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t. literal soyboys
top kek, fighting with your anuses, amirite?

go back to 4ch*N /p*L/tard, this is a 4CHANNEL board

t.assblasted Jow Forumstard

4Channel is a site of peace and tolerance. Friends from Reddit also can post here whenever they want

Use "Nique le concierge" or "Que la concierge aille se faire foutre" and it's perfect my friend

Que la concierge*

Que LE concierge*

what's so bad about fucking up the gender? If someone constantly fucks up the gender does it sound weird?

Good thread.

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Yes, it's how you can tell apart native speaker from the rest actually. It just sounds weird and unnatural.
There isn't any consistent logic to determine if a word is masculine or feminine. You have to learn them all and use them enough.

Yes? Hello? Is this thing on? Testing. One, two, three. Good. Ladies and gentlemen, I have an important announcement to make. Fuck niggers and fuck sandniggers. That’s it, thanks for your attention.

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>Italian hating on brown people
The irony.

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