I am a white Italian man
I am a white Italian man
Other urls found in this thread:
Vocaroo Italian
White Italian ameri mutt
Look into my eyes
first pic you look indian/pakistani
this one you actually look italian, practically mario
can you vocaroo "mamma mia that's a spicy meatball!"?
el muttogoblino de Italia y Amerika
I am Italian
I spit on your grave
based sicily
rip sisto malaspina killed by subhuman terrorist Sudanese nigger
You cannot post. I am a servant of the HUWHITE Fire, wielder of the flame of EVROPA. You cannot post. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of MUTTUN! Go back to the Shadow! You cannot post!
Mario Del Moorio
Actually, the Roman ruling elite were Nordic ruling over you brown Italians. Look it up :)
Actually you're retarded
I like Norway and Norwegians though
t. seething Arab looking uggo
but NORDwegians don't like your ugly mutt shitaloid ass. Go mix with a hapa mutt and make ogros americanos lmao
Based beyond belief, accurate depiction of the WE WUZ ROMANZ AND SHIET slave population known as Shitalians.
Even worse, you have literal Moors like OP who thinks his ancestors were Romans. Can't make this shit up.
based charlie
I am a mixed half african half estonian man
>>>>>>>modern Italians have more connection to Rome than you frog. Hell, even I do
What’s worse is n*Rds leaping as Romans
to Rome maybe, they live there
but ancient patrician romans (so the upper class) were whiter, similar to GALLIC BVLLS like me, italic peoples got browned by moors like you
watch it boy
ayyyyyyyyyyyyy lmaoooOOOOooOOOOOoooOoo
yeah ahahah, I really want to see a shitaloid manlet coming up to me, a 191cm gallonorman BEAST with golden hair and eyes like the deepest sea.
Also o e of the greatest emperors Octavian was described as having curly black hair and a unibrow
back to /fr/ with you
yep, that's a YIKES for me
stupid sandnigger
stupid frenchoid
Stupid (((Anglo)))
If I wasn’t dirt poor I’d give you money to go to the dentist
stupid sandnigger from shitcily
french and Palestinian subhumans
You look like a fucking gypsy
go to sleep, autist
HaHaa let’s make fun of the poorfag with not enough money to buy a pc
no he doesn't
If I ever were to post from a mobile, at least I'd use my 800 euro iPhone XS
stupid poor pleb
Based EVROPian brother, i'm also Slavic Nordic vityaz-bogatyr, son of Odin and Perun.
he does desu
so does this one
Don't talk to me in third person, gypsoid loser cuck
you're a gypsy, go back to India
>Actually lol'ing
Well played Vasya. Well played.
You are gypsy, go back to india.
Mmm...tasty popsicle...
no he doesn't
>il terronANO
Cool shirt, very EVROPIAN Χάιλ Χίτλερ!
Are you dagestani or uzbek?
>ancient patrician romans (so the upper class) were whiter
They were, but in the same sense that upper class Khmers were whiter and upper class Ryukyuans were whiter.
I'm you, but better.
i always thought southern europeans looking like middle easterners was just a meme but im slowly starting to believe it