KARA BOGA unironically kills a wh*Te dog with a single punch

KARA BOGA unironically kills a wh*Te dog with a single punch.

Attached: Screenshot_20181122-072325.png (1440x2560, 348K)


Attached: Smugchiko.png (569x569, 560K)

wow...epic...this is going in my diary

On thanksgiving, I am thankful for BLACK men culling the wh*Te race

Why is this article so sympathetic for a violent criminal?

He's not being charged with a crime, prosecutors decided it was self defense.

white guy took a swing first

Based and BLACKpilled

business idea: don't punch strangers

>Be white cuck
>Muslim shit talks you
>Sperg out and shoot him
>Life in Jail
>Be Black bvll
>On the way to work for your family
>Whitey stops you and calls you a nig nog
>Push whitey out of the way
>he dies
>Tfw prosecutors don't dare to charge you with murder