Do you like the US?

Do you like the US?

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no. fuck off

Not really
Most americans are alright tho

Why would I like mutts? makes no sense tb h



Yes, but not the faggots who voted for him

You could've tried posting something like ice cream instead of cheetoh you know

God I love America


Happy thanksgiving, brothers.

Don't like the country but I do like many americans

I prefer nacho cheese.

Thank you brother. I thank everyone today.

>off by one
USA confirmed shithole

Yeah but everyday I thank God I wasn't actually born there.


after you give the f-35 i will :))

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>Jose can you see
That's true, thank you Mexico-san

fuck no

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You're not suposed to be all gracious about it

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thank you friend

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why would americans hate mexicans staying in their country and being a good slave for the white man?



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You should be thanking the Americans for giving you a job.

Almost But generally no. I don't dislike trump or some Americans, but the obesity, ignorance, incompetence & 85% of Americans are just terrible

Sure why not. As far as superpowers go, it's currently the most benevolent of them




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The United States? Not a fan.

not at all

What's his name again?


Some demented business guy and reality star Americans voted for as a protest and to show how even ridiculous idiots like him could come to power so easily

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God no

All their men are either bossy obnoxious WASPs in a suit who give off that Patrick Bateman vibe or muscular jocks covered with tattoos, all their women are masculine bimbos. They look weird, like mannequins or computer simulations. Especially those creepy fake smiles and empty eyes with no semblance of self-reflection and personality. Culture of hustling and bullying weirdos and beta males. Obsession with money and plastic surgeries. People are proud of being shallow and superficial. Politicians who cover up Saudi murders for the sake of democracy and liberty.

>bossy obnoxious WASPs in a suit who give off that Patrick Bateman vibe or muscular jocks covered with tattoos, all their women are masculine bimbos. They look weird, like mannequins or computer simulations. Especially those creepy fake smiles and empty eyes with no semblance of self-reflection and personality. Culture of hustling and bullying weirdos and beta males
You just described my boss and his wife to a tee even though he's a swarthy dutch*Id