Post your diocese's Coat of Arms
Post your diocese's Coat of Arms
this thread is nice
why it doesn't get more replies?
Not sure if this is the correct one as they change with the archbishop.
then it's not the correct one
the bishop has his own CoA and the diocese has to have its own
...but it's hard to find it damn it paraguayan internet why don't you have useful info
Do Catholic dioceses always have a coat of arms? I know that bishops always get one, but I've never seen one for my diocese.
no sure. they're supposed to since they're hierarchically important
but you google one and mostly bishop CoAs appear
I assumed, but I wasn't sure. I'm looking for it but no luck.
>they're supposed to since they're hierarchically important
How do you mean? I know there is an order of precedence for bishops, but I don't know if the dioceses themselves have one