Are we gonna win the drug war?

Be real with me

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You guys are literally in on all of this

How the fuck can you win something you purposely engineered?

Well if the Spics just stop sending us drugs, we wouldn't have this war

>ironyposting to criticize the united states
no one thinks you're funny. no one cares what you have to say.

You lost it before it even started

>Well if the Spics just stop sending us drugs, we wouldn't have this war
are you retarded?

Fuck off

>implying other countries wouldn't just step in if that ever happened
Just stop buying drugs lol

If we cut off the supply, no one would ever do drugs here

You're never going to cut off the supply ever
Even in Singapore I know a guy who can cut you something nice at a party

we're in the middle of an opioid crisis, so no

>Well if the Spics just stop sending us drugs
I wonder who's demanding these drugs come over here

>If we cut off the supply, no one would ever do drugs here
Reagan please

then stop consuming it you dumb shitter.

yes, all you have to do is legalize and stop ABCs from selling it

We need Singapore style laws here and start executing users en masse.

Publicly too so the winos get it. I'll volunteer too

The cunt suffering the most from America's addiction is Mexico.

What? Mexico has done way more harm to the US than vice versa

We would stop consuming it if there was no supply.


Only if we resort to genocide. But the rest of the world wouldn't let us do that...

Only if Mexican border is locked down.from coast to coast and from underground.

And drug imports of opiates are stopped.

Fighting drugs is like fighting the free market. Demand is fucking huge

Better shut down your medical industry, then.

Demand if supply is ended one knows what it is, its accessibility.will be.small

Yeah probably

I thought we are just using the drug war as an excuse to kill every single Spic?


You can find drugs in every country in the world. I've never been to a country where I couldn't find drugs.

We already lost.

americans in a nutshell

What would happen if we just execute everyone who’s ever used drugs?

How do you define a drug? Practically everyone has consumed something that could be defined as it.

Not my fault your country is full of narcos.

This will never happen. Democrats will win every election if something like that gets proposed

Then we suppress Democrat votes. It’s not that hard

Deep down most normies in the US would welcome a harsher hand.

Not my fault your country is full of drug addicts

Well your the country that had random violence everywhere. Enjoying seeing bodies hanging off overpasses?

Those drugs aren’t illegal like the shit Spics send us

We have so many programs here like DARE that discourage people from doing drugs and it’s worked

>dude, just shut down Democracy lol
I mean, you're almost there, but still

You can use medical drugs the same way you can use the stuff from the street and your drug epidemic was made worse by the greed of your medical industry.

>two taco niggers from Mexican countries arguing
Don't mind me. Just do your thing, Pablo and Juan.

I’m from the USA you blind fuck


You are a wannabe mexican anyway lol

But at least the medical drug industry here had oversight from the FDR. Illegal drugs don’t

It’s more acceptable here to be hooked on oxy or xanax than it is to be a pothead