Be me

>be me
>be on holiday in italy with my family
>go to a shop to buy some bread and milk
>girl at the register gets angry at us because we don't speak italian
>tosses change on the counter and gives us a foul look
I fucking knew holidaying in countries that we don't speak the language of was a bad idea, and this was only our first day....

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wtf RUDE

what a dumb bitch

where are you from?

Answer #357 as to why americans don't travel abroad more:
People sperg out if you don't speak their language fluently with no accent

based girl


I just wanted to say fuck Australians and I hope a nigger tries to cum inside you

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learning at least some basic phrases shouldn't take much of your time and would help you a lot


Chin up lad, nothing to worry on your part. Can't hold yourself accountable for every unwarranted negative response, you'll break down


also this

learn some basic italian then bitch

Maybe you should learn the ways of the Romans, you filthy Ethiopian

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Where at? When I spoke a tiny bit of shitty Italian everyone thought it was admirable instead of just speaking English first.

She is angry, because whole world hate anglos, including burgers and australians.
Never had bad experience speaking enlgish with strong Russian accent anywhere.

they were making fun of you

Meritato, testa de cazzo. Unless an environment asks for it, nobody is supposed to know your native language, whichever it is.

I didn't visit the North

>getting btfo by some dumb roastie

everyone should speak some english, there's no excuse but i kinda understand, it's such a boring and ugly language

when I went to italy we spoke english and they all spoke english to us and were really friendly
where in italy are you?

really? it would be the complete opposite here. people get really happy when foreigners show interest in our culture

a lad I work with is obsessed with brazil
had a brazillian mate who took him around his favela

he's lying, we're really happy when someone from another country speaks some italian since it's not really a language people learn

This only shows how deeply your mentality was colonized
The guy in the forest making SOPA is freer than you

>everyone should speak some english
HE is the outsider in the community, HE is the one who should play by the tune. Not the locals, who speak Italian plus [probably] some local dialect.

And if he's unable to at least check simple sentences in the local language, how does he expect good will from the locals?

Some Australians kicked me out of the Earth's sphere once when I was on vacation in Australia and NASA was forced to get me back on Earth, you guys had it coming.

it's fair since we have people obsessed with England as well. did he enjoy the tour?

I don't think so, I wasn't referring to myself when I said that but I can't see how this is harmful or bad in any way

Same as . Plus there are other two things too:

1. Italians always look angrier than they actually are. The main purpose of Italy in the axis was to provide the Japs some tsunderi.
2. If you don't know the local language don't go outside large centres, because the odds people speak Nigerian/Javanese/English/Hmong are higher.

>Italians always look angrier than they actually are
is this true? i didn't know

imagine a cute Italian girl getting mad at you and cussing you out in a meme language lole.......

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On general grounds Italians signal emotions way more than (let's say) Anglophones or Germans, so it's easy to misinterpret "she's mildly annoyed/frustrated" as "she's fucking mad!".

The same works the opposite way. They aren't as excitable as they look to be.

You should just punch Italians they're little frail manlets and only understand violence.

Yeah sadly THEY want HIS money so THEY should adapt a little bit too

Yeah, nah. Odds are they don't need his bread and milk bux, by what OP said it looks like a local shop made to attend local customers.

In what way could you fuck up buying bread and shit?

You literally just pay and leave.

Native English speakers that only speak one language shouldn't expect shit lol.

Not true at all

Fuck off, we're full.

Italians are fucking rude.
When I was in highschool I went in a pasta restaurant in Florence and the staff was super rude, didn't even aknowledge us etc... Mediterranean people are rude as fuck

>They want his money
He entered the fucking store, giving money is the direct consequence of wanting goods

italians are actually rude af everyone knows it

Are you saying we should learn a new language every time we want to go to a new country

arabs tend to be pretty chill at least the ones i met

You search "common phrases in (insert language)" on Google and open one of the hundreds of lists made specifically for tourists who need to get by for a few days, maybe?

should have bent that little dago whore over the counter and showed who her boss is