My fellow non-Americans on Jow Forums. Did any of your shopping stores/centers in your country adopt this awful event? If so, do the people in your country go crazy when it happens?

Attached: black-friday.jpg (1024x536, 65K)

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No because prices are ridiculously high.

>Did any of your shopping stores/centers in your country adopt this awful event?
Yes but it's purely a marketing gimmick. There were better discounts 2-3 weeks ago.

>If so, do the people in your country go crazy when it happens?
No, we save the chimpery for Boxing Day.

>Did any of your shopping stores/centers in your country adopt this awful event?

get on a bus and come here already

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I thought Black Friday can be at different time in a different countries.

But yes, we have it too.

the sales on black friday here are max 40% off
so no, there's literally nothing to chimp-out about

Yes, all of them. It still isnt this holy day where people chimp out. Its instead calm but a bit more crowded. Some stores have had black week.

I go black Friday shopping every year but never seen people chomp out. I thought it was just a meme. I don't even see deals that are that great.

No, I travel to Japan.

On paper some of them do but none of them give any real discount cuz they're too greedy. Like they place 1 20% discount on black friday but a week before they bump the price so that giving -20% only returns it to be like before.
Fucking communists, they don't realize how the market works and they'd make more money by being honest. Idiots. Fuck them.

Honestly our Black Friday sales are not anything to riot over. We are just filled to the brim with violent monkeys.

I did buy a 700 dollar TV for 400 dollars though

>tfw you saw a news report last year about BLACKED Friday becoming popular in Europe, too

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I'm going to Best Buy later to buy a whole bunch of Corsairâ„¢ products. Namely a headset and a new mouse, possibly a new keyboard too.


how much for a keyboard?

>adopt it
>go crazy

Yes. Everything for the half of the double of the price

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So basically there was a law here in which the government directed when the discount seasons (or whatever they are called) were allowed to happen. So big discounts only happened during a few times every year, mostly after christmas, before summer and a few others.
Now that the government removed that law and shops can do discounts whenever they want they have been pushing hard for the black friday thing. But usually the discounts are always shit, on products that were going to have lower prices anyways or they do what said.

>Did any of your shopping stores/centers in your country adopt this awful event?
Yes, but most stores have sales for like a week or a few days, not just one friday

1. Yes
2. No

It's 80 dollars normally but it will be on sale for about 40-50.

I plan to buy a video game for $30 instead of $60 and then just look around. Never seen a chimpout stampede shit before, is it just in really big cities or what?

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This is from Switerland but I have seen Black Friday signs at my local Aldi yesterday.

Attached: ALDI-Black-Friday.png (939x706, 567K)

they've been consistently trying for a few years now, but I don't think it's working. When i hear about it it's always because people think it's obscene or to make fun of it.

did you check the price or the tv in january ?

Some shops (particularly the bigger chains) have sales on for Black Friday, but people don't go crazy over the deals like they do in America. Also I don't think Black Friday is necessarily a bad thing, at least they're honest about how it's a commercial event designed to drive up sales (unlike Christmas).

Black Friday isn't a holiday, if that's what you're implying. It's a purely commercial thing.

I bought new Adilettes (my old ones are from 2009 and look like that as well) and a Nike sweater to make my total be just above free delivery price.

My point was that Christmas has been commercialised to the point where the majority of people don't actually care about its original significance.

The industrial revolution was a mistake