Varma Varaprasad is still molesting Polish girls at Euroweek

How many more Polish girls must fondled and god knows what else by this disgusting Indian pervert before he gets stopped by the Polish authorities?

Attached: _20181122_200118.jpg (720x1029, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:




What's happening? Aren't the kid's parents concerned. And why are you even following this?

t. not knower


Attached: by-gail-best-pickup-line-ever-hi-im-from-india-23468768.png (500x745, 204K)

He is no different than white people who to Africa and take selfies with the locals.

Why are you so offended?

He's a British cuck that gets of his interracial cuckold fantasies and has been making these threads every day for some time now

He has hundreds of groupies on facebook and instagram - just look him up on there
He stays in contact with girls and arranges to meet them later for "fun times"
They are ~16 (age of consent is 15 in Poland)
He is 30
A month or so ago he heard we were discussing him and immediately he deleted his second facebook dedicated to his """"yoga sessions"""". Is that the action of an innocent man?
Like most pajeets he's a sexual opportunist and he is using the naivety of Polish society to his advantage.

Attached: 1541029465628.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

he's literally my hero