A polish or russian girl who works for the french government stalked me yesterday

A polish or russian girl who works for the french government stalked me yesterday.
It's a gang stalking. I'm a victim of that from my own government

I made a video and she pretends to know nothing. She has a strong slav accent.


Attached: stalking.jpg (757x865, 66K)

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wh*Te peopel are mentally ill

More likely GRU operative, enjoy your novichok injection

she is fucking british are you retarded

>are you retarded


what the fuck user

>gang stalking
quick 1 sentence rundown?

She looks like a goddess
You shouldn't bother her and you should let her walk all over you, shes so nice looking desu

user is mentally ill

I hope he isnt the guy in the video and he is just larping

Mentally ill think regular folks going about their lives in punctal fashion are stalking them

>hon hon hon oui Baguette

Attached: 1bje68.jpg (470x317, 38K)

You have some serious schizophrenia going on mon ami. You should seek help.

Stop harassing random eastern euro hookers in the street user, it's weird and cringy

Dude were you trying to bang her or something? that’s not going to work

Everybody saying he's paranoid but imagine for one second if it's true and he's really being stalked ??

user you are mentally ill and the internet is making it worse

I don't think he's a schizo, he seems to be pretty woke about operation GLADIO and the occult and satanic elites, rightfully paranoid and thinking he's being gangstalked when he's not. When I started researching all this disturbing stuff I also became pretty paranoid and thinking small aircraft flying over my house at 4AM were CIA or some shit. But it's not out of the question he's being legit gangstalked, Canadian intelligence has job postings for precisely this.

>Canadian intelligence

It's them CIA niggers I'm telling you

Mentally ill people cost 80 billions Euros per year to the french state