Why do people take this Balding, mid-thirties, divorcee seriously
>I arrived to China ten years ago with nothing but a suit on my back and now I make YouTube videos for a living
>here's how you too can totally fuck up your life like I did
Why do people take this Balding, mid-thirties, divorcee seriously
He divorced her? When?
lol, every time someone posts about this guy here something weird has happened.
He divorced his first wife but he's married again.
Japanese > Chinese > Viet > Shit > Gook
First wife was beer girl and they divorced a couple of years ago.
>lol, every time someone posts about this guy here something weird has happened.
He's leaving China lol
Japanese > bug people
Stop making fun of me
get a real job Winston you're nearly 40
i'm just not attracted to asians from east asia. i've dated a few locals here but they look differently i don't how to describe it. east asians look way too sickly for me and there's something off about them legit do not understand yellowfeverfags.