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you can look up trump's statements yourself, not gonna give him a platform to spread his views

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You have to go back

>Pak continues to provide free lines of ground & air communications (GLOCs/ALOCs). Can Mr Trump name another ally that gave such sacrifices?

A lot of countries did similar things after 9/11
Even fucking Cuba did.

based #maga #lockherup #fucklibtards

>reposting stale threads on this Thursday evening
why don't pakis celebrate Thanksgiving?

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>now you know why trump hates pakistan

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I thought Canadian thanksgiving was in like August?

Based magapede BTFOing the libtards.

i'm not paki, i'm a white caucasian

You're a cancerous diaspora faggot who spams this board with threads about Jews and Imran Khan and if I didn't have delicious turkey to eat I'd report your ISP to he feds myself

did you know that drumpf has never taken a test wicket or even scored a single first class run?

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Incorrect, lmfao. I'm a Midwestern boy who grew up in the countryside but has friends from all over the world. Shut the fuck up weirdo, not everyone who makes a post against Trump is a disapofaggot.

You're an unamerican shitposter.
Have fun being angry all the time lmao

No one cares you diaspora paki

lmao have fun coping by pretending the OP is not American so you don't have to actually argue the valid points presented.

Haha it’s so weird that everyone elected nationalists and they all immediately hate each other, who could have predicted that

I don't actually care about that. I just think youre a retard if you think you're gonna get anywhere by posting here.
Again, stay mad faggot

kek are you a pajeet tho?

so true, Pakistan were hit hard by the war on terror with all that extremism spilling over into the country
they can't even host international cricket because of neighbouring terrorists

>an Indian defending Pakistan
amerilard logic


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Based. Fuck this spamming Paki fuck. Hope Trump deporte him back to his shithole.


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VERY redpilled post

Samefag OP
Kill yourself

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kek ok indinigger studying spanish in mexico.

I just LOVE how everyone pulled out strawmans and other fallacies rather than focusing on the actual subject matter. What a great display of intellectual inferiority from Pajeets hiding behind all these different flags.

Anyways, is me retard not but you're a dumb indinigger so no point telling you that. this post has nothing to do with India but indiniggers still spam it kek

God bless Trump

Would probably help if their military stops hiding and arming the Taliban.

I'm the Indian. Not him lmao
Poor guy getting shat on for nothing.