Brazilians are traitors.
Brazilians are traitors
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will be good for everybody
USA has enough dick suckers and they are ok with them (colombia and chile)
no one like sluts like you
How so? Everybody will win with this. Believe or not.
>implicando it's a mal thing
Brazil can take Canada's spot in NAFTA
>we h8 u!
>oh no pls don't leave us :(
suck my cock Jorge
you can't run an economy why would anyone want to be friends with argentina?
So half your states can collapse?
>i hate this trade deal just because was founded by socialist governments
>without realicing that trade its inherently capitalistic
>without realicing that nowadays mercosur works just like any other neoliberal trade deal
wew, i accept argentina with open arms in la alianza del pacifico
finally the hispanic world can crush the lusosphere
take off your glasses, chaz
This desu
We'll just veto them from our trade bloc, good luck on them trying to negotiate an FTA with Trump, we at least had leverage, all they can do is appeal to his sense of fairness
Do you think Europeans will look kindly on you ditching Mercosur when they've just made a deal?
We still haven't made a deal. Also that this is shite and literally destroys any prospects of a strong BR industry
>Agriculture minister talking about diplomacy
Wut? How long does it take you to make an FTA, we just re-negotiated ours with the EU and already ratified the new TPP
the fact that we are capitalist doesnt make us a US dick sucker lol
chinks are our biggest trading partner
This. I want to be in the same boat than the chilindos
You will, all South America will...
Latin America trading deals: Socialist trade deals
No thanks
I heard Putin will visit Copa Libertadores finals this weekend, before G20 summit. I don't think it's like he likes football so much. Maybe he will offer to replace Brazil in BRICS, how do you think about it?
Not really. Most of our exports are to Mercosul countries.
Brazil will try to conquer Latin America by force, but the Mexicans will stop them at AMLOgrad
>Free market is socialist.
user, do you even know what the Mercosul is?
>Mercosul is free market
He's one.
>Brazilians are retards
this but unironically