Jow Forums
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International #978
This is the beauty standard for Korean men
Ywn own a comfy Italian apartment
German woman look like THAT?
Who here /StillWithHer/
Iffy niggas on suicide watch
Why are they so unlikeable?
What did your family do in the war?
Bitcoin 3700$
Tfw everyone supports the Sentinelese but no one supports the Aboriginals
WTF Canada
WOW Belgian women look like THAT?
Literally nobody in this country speaks english
Why do Americans have such an inferiority complex towards them?
Imagine meeting the perfect Russian gf but it turns out she has hiv
Your cunt
There are people who can't roll their R
Fortnite doesnt work in Russia
To be honest as a non-American, USA is becoming increasingly irrelevant to us. Polluting the environment, starting wars...
Isn't it astonishing how Germans managed to win with the Brits after all
Your country will never be interesting enough to be covered in the news unless a great disaster happens
Why yes I do indeed suffer in f*rst world
Nippon suki?
How Iran views Asia
Your country
/tr/ pazar edisyonu
Referring to our dick as micropenis is such microaggression, apologize!
/fr/ - le francofil
1. Country
So i'm self learning Mandarin
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
S-small Korean and J-japanese bois?!
Is it true that Japan is the comfiest country in the world?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Why do wh*Toid subhumans think that the Yamato race is the same race as Genghis's rape descendants called "Asians" when...
Why are Wh*teoids so obsessed with asians?
1. country
I went to the US twice, once when I was 9, toured from L.A to S.F and Las vegas...
Your cunt
Who was in the wrong here? Should Britain apologise?
American living is just so much more convenient than anywhere else I’ve been
These are the only genders
Your fetishes
Post pics you took
KARA BOGA. White women belong to the BB
Is american football popular outside usa?
This image is 100% truth if you really think about it
/bin fett/ etzala amoal /deutsch/ gwesen
You don't really care about those Japanese sluts, do you Comrade user? C'mon...
Why no I don’t support the Republican Party
Jio releases Indians onto the internet
What is this called in ur cunt?
Wake up
/ita/ - il filo
Dog-eating union when ???
ISIS in south america?
Aztecs dindu nuffin wrong dey wuz gud boyz goin to Huey Teocalli every day gettin dey empire back on track need mo...
I am a white Italian man
Whats the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about portugal? Also, do you know who António Salazar is...
Did Ivanka Trump visit your country?
*Funkytown starts playing*
Your cunt
Average Singaporean poster
God I wish I were a girl
Is The English language unique in its ability to make up terms like “redpilled” and have it not be a complete...
Is this right?
What does French female saliva taste like?
My house literally looks like an abandoned house
Yes, I'm an atheist and freethinker
Why is this allowed?
Big Yikes
Who are the ugliest people in Latin America? And why is it the Mexicans?
Your country
What do you think about Moscow in comparison to other European cities?
Average age at which people leave their parental household, by selected countries
Please tell me this isn't true
Be Israeli Jew
What are average dinner like in your country?
I hate this country, give me somewhere comfy to move to
I will actually never know what pic related is like
/flag/ + /extraflags/
I once got a handjob by a girl during class
Mommy will die one day and will no longer be around
I feel alone and miserable...
Sverigetråden - Drottning Evangelines upplaga
What if a section of the Americas was set aside to create an Amerindian ethno-state where only Natives could live and...
How are you preparing for the Hapa century?
Chilango Supremacism General
How is Australia like?
Why do girls all around the world prefer older guys?
/lat/: Hilo de anime
So, user. When will you move out of your parents’ house?
Wanted to go to a club this evening with some friends
This was the happiest moment of my life
Japanese boys are for _________
“Sorry user, I only date tall white men”
China and Russia are the last saviours of free speech in a world gone mad
Does this count as imperialism?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/ ehemals /taberu/
Tfw have been posting on 4channel for less than a day
1. Your country
What is the most iconic, most representative, or most beautiful building in your town?
Post your understanding of Europe
How do i found out what my genes are
What happens in the island known as Long Island?
Bro the Ottoman Empire was so brutal to Europeans!
Just saw the news on France
Why did God make Latinas if he didn't want to give me a Latina gf?
/fr/ - le fil
How would you run Sweden if you were their Supreme Leader?
Do you know about code Lyoko?
/ita/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is German beer as good as they say?
The country you belong to
Would you like to be Japanese?
The man
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Are you a parasite, Jow Forums?
Back 2 Majapahit
WWIII american occupational zones
1. Your country
This triggers the 49 flyovers of America
/tr/ Tayyip baskı
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
We will restore the Monarchy and finally achieve the Quinto Império and make our portuguese forefathers proud!
Does anyone here believe israel is a legitimate state?
Tfw 14cm
OMG south americans are so brutal
When do we finally federalize, my fellow Europeans?
I study animation
Whenever I see a Dutch person I want to peel the skin of their eyes and eat their flesh. Disgusting creatures
What are your thoughts on California?
Sverigetråden - Oanständiga upplagan
What countries do you hate the most ?
/brit/ - UK Drill edition
/fug/ - /fr/ , /brit/, /deutsch/
Am I annoying if I after school i'll move to Norway?
Be American
My countrymen are all idiots and I hate them...
Say something nice or mean about the best, most white, and most culture filled region of Canada
Your cunt
What you think about russia?
Lets play a game Jow Forums
At the mall with mom
Once Indians master basic toiletry and sewage how long do you think it'll take them to get to space?
Only Americans from the highlighted states should be allowed to post
/fr/ - francophonie
What does future hold for Africa?
Hairs of Jow Forums
From today’s march on Rome
/ita/ - il filo
Can you guys stop calling me soulless insect ching chong
Remember that time Germany got jealous of us and France and decided to start their own shitty """""empire"""""?
Greatest heroes from your country
Most popular supermarkets in your country?
1. your cunt
I'm afraid for them
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Meixco
What do these people do all day? Why don't they move somewhere relevant? Is it lack of ambition, intellect, or both?
Your cunt
Is this the worst region of the US tbdesu?
What's it like to have a frenemy
I'm a soiboy I like to get cucked, (Yikes!)
Can someone base and redpill me on nordic girls? what are they like?
Be me
Have been travelling around Korea and Japan for about a month now and I genuinely cannot comprehend why so many people...
Are you satisfied with your country's leader in Civ 6? Your country is important enough to be in, right?
Jow Forumsernational misconceptions
Native Americans were patriarchal as fuck. See these reports in Brazil:
Peruvian clay is rightful clay
Do they identify more as Baltic or Finno Ugric?
/deutsch/ BRATZ
Is it true that WASPs are the superior Americans who built the country in it's finest hours?
Just came out from a state mandated communal sauna in my apartment building paid for by proggressive taxation and now I...
ITT we guess nationalities. I'll start
Could my eye pass as local in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
How did EVROPEANS influence your country?
Be american
Why are we Westerners so obsessed with Whiteness and proving how White we are?
When I'm alone in the house I like to sing traditional folk songs
Your cunt
Be British
I just shat, and at the moment of weeping my ass, I just noticed there was blood on the toilet paper
If pizzas is Italian, how come there's a Swedish flag on mine?
Do you hope to find love in the MENA region?
Post your face when you realised that this is the Brexit deal:
You are now President of the USA and your Party controls all branches of government. What do you do?
If America still had balls...
Which Italian city state would you choose if you could revive one of them today?
Best to worst
Do you love vagene?
My name is John. I love you and Jesus loves yo-
How did we manage to surpass Meds, in terms of power, prestige, achievement and influence...
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Handsome Jow Forumsernational men
Do you wear uniforms in your country?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Future of Syria. Should Asad leave?
Choose your favorite or say arr rook same
You're country
Post nationalistic/national romantic music from your cunt
/tr/ - Büyük Zenci Yarrağı Edisyonu
Dude, you should seriously make a diet. 115 kg is way too much for your body height
/ita/ - il filo
RIGHT NOW: Man severely injured by WILD BOAR
/neder/ ehemals und vielleicht wieder /deutsch/
/deutsch/ Widukind Ausgabe
Tetsuo Sakurai was born Toshizo Nagamine in 1924 in Myodo-zaki...
Your country
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
We own this board
Being on holiday in Rome is torturous...
Franco spain
Do you love Japan?
Paris is burning edition 2.0
Are you brave enough
How hard it is to settle here? From all the EU countries this seems to be the least resembling a shithole
Gfs parents (chinese) want me and my parents to pay 6,000,000 AUD to marry her
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
Do you prefer Mediterranean or Nordic women?
Literally third world
The libertarians fear me
Your country
Let's make this happen!
Do you like Mediterranean women?
Why does Belgium's crown princess Elisabeth look Finnish?
Why are bongs so soft
Is she the most famous Japanese person ever?
Sverigetråden - den riktiga tråden upplagan
Someone called me fat today
Monks Gone Wild
Literature characters
What is dating like in your country?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2084
Wheres your country
How do you say
Does anyone else get an uncomfortable pang in their stomach when they remember the Suez Crisis and what it represented...
Have you ever hitchhiked?
Europe doesnt have fave-
/sent/ - sentinel island general
/v4/ + friends
/fr/ - le fil du peuple français
Are the Asians of Jow Forums awake? The cute Chinese girl in my class keeps ending her texts to me with ~
Come get comfy and watch Paris burn
ITT:Jow Forums posters you know
Made some crepes for breakfast
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Beard or Moustache?
Why are russian girls living in 6 th dimension ?
How is life in Venice?
Post beautiful churches from your country
Tfw i avoid talking to women of any races and people in general at all because they will probably think im some creepy...
What went so right?
Why are Brits so cold-insensitive...
Question to Russians
Yeah we went to the fucking moon!
Atheists from Jow Forums
1. your location
/brit/ - howing you how to be da man edition
/MeNa/ - Middle East and North Africaqqqq
Your country
Did you know that American servicemen are exclusively trained in killing civilians...
Serpentza is officially leaving China
Kurva anyátok
Why do they hate foreigners so much?
Unironically killing harmless jews because of conspiracy theories
Hey France remember Paris?
Post your internet speed
Pigs get a 911 call, show up at the wrong address, kick in the door and are hit with machine gun fire. 1 dead...
How do we get back at them?
What’s the best country for rich people??
Your country
Why am i such a fucking failure
She hasn't replied in 20 hours
Average male height in your country
Finland Appreciation Post
Hello Jow Forums
The major source of Germanic heritage in Finland
I just found and realized to look at Instagram for 3 years
Why do americans like to parade around towns and cities?
America is so corrupt they demanded a LGBT pride parade in Tel Aviv in order to keep protecting them
Middle eastern ( iranian, Afghani )
I wish Jow Forums posters stopped being so mean to my ethnicity (Chinese)
Country that has overrated food
When did The US become an ass country?
Delete Jow Forums
Soviets ruined Eastern Europe
ITT we post our native language and what language is the gay version of it
I am Italian American
Some of jap girls are qt
Your cunt
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Post the town/city where you were born
Maybe now after retarded gookmoot fucked up this poor website, more people gonna start hating j*Pan...
Where would you rather live? India or Pakistan?
1. Country
In your country would you consider this person a lesbian?
I'm having a lot of fun in Gay Apps. I'm discoreving plenty of gay neighbours and known persons
Patagonia Discussion
Yesterday I turned 28, and seeing how others my age are doing i don't know if there is even a point in trying to go on
I'm 20 and I'm balding rapidly
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What can I expect from this?
What does your country thinks of boys that dress up as girls?
Kamikaze 神風
*dabs on your continent*
Why don't you have an Indian boyfriend yet, Jow Forums?
You have to marry her and have to make 2chdren at least and you have to lick her asshole every day at least 5minitsbut...
Tfw no giant boob eastern euro wife
Korean Nazi
Why do you love germany?
Does anybody here but me hate your own country that you think about moving to another country every day?
Greenland looks pretty depressing
What are the sami people exactly? Are they Nordic or a nomadic Mongol tribe?
Post aesthetic heavy industry from you're cunt
You may think what happened a few days ago was just a bunch of Sentinel tribesmen brutally murdering an American...
Why are Germans such a warmongering people?
Never post your face online
Am i the only one that wants to be a girl so bad?
/brit/ - black metal edition
What doth English?
Why does he hate British people even more than the usual European?
The empire is long finished but there are still plenty of reminders around to this day and I love it
He was sad
Is just me or whenever you see a woman taller than you...
Germany 2018
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht: Bretzelausgabe
Fucking lol
Name nicer and more caring posters protip: you can’t
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Belgium is closer genetically to England than Wales, Scotland and Ireland
US education
Hey guys turkey is asleep
Post ur cunt's air-force
What is your Country Worst at?
My plan
New Hunger Games Bread
D-Do americans really consider us as their wife?
Bartender? Give me 568.261 millilitres of beer please
Black friday in portugal
MENA girls on 4channel
This is why asian women are choosing white/black men
Yesterday I got one (uno) reply so let's do it again
I just converted to islam
Ugh... what could have been
/ita/ - il filo
The desired height of a male clothing shop model is 189cm
⏱don't get too comfortable wagie, work is starting in 48 hours ⏱
How did America go from this
1 You’re cunt tree
Let's make the first 4channel meme lads. Trips decides what it is
FUCK this guy
Are americans really mad on those people? Or they are just joking? If they are joking, it's okay...
My plan
Sentinel appreciation thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
When Jow Forums wins Jow Forums
Tfw no 4chanx for 4channel
Sverigetråden - Ratchet och Clank upplagan
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico - /cem/ Canada, États-Unis, Mexique
What race would you say she is?
Why are Jow Forumscels so mad at this guy? Is it because he actually believed ib something and was ready to die for it?
How expensive is college/university in your cunt?
4channel has come
What country is this, Jow Forums?
Porn thread googogogoog
Culture Pals /cp/ gen
Your country
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Say something nice about the sentinelese
See a racist post
I'm not a racist man, I'd prefer a qualified Indian doctor to an unskilled Polish labourer
What are the first three words that come to your mind when you see this flag?
Post interesting maps
ITT post your conscription papers
Hmmm yeah i need to put my ad somewhere, let's see what is this "4channel" site about... oh yeah...
Does Jow Forums like my eyes :3
Honest thoughts on race mixing? Good or bad?
Very sad earthquake story
Jow Forums is gone
Why does the UK version of English sound so gay compared to the US version of English?
1. Yer cunt
After this disgusting URL change its finally time to leave this shithole
Splitted. How does it feel like, user?
Fuck 4channel and fuck jannies
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest!
Chinks got fucked
ITT : vocaroo whatever language you are learning
Why Finland succeded in becoming very developped country while Russia is still 3rd world tier...
"but korean guy if you love your country why do you live here?"
Post the view from your bedroom
/flag/ + /extraflags/
How do we fix Jow Forums int?
Yes we're british, how could you tell?
Why are Indians so embarrassed of their Sub-Saharan/Black-African heritage?
Indian fishermen bring an American missionary on the North Sentinel Island because it's his wish
Jow Forums posts per capita
What is the area
Ye, nah, not a big fan of the so-called "new world"
Don’t non whites feel any sort of shame?
Your cunt
This is the future of America
Why do Americans stand like faggots?
1. cunt
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
You wake up in denmark
Visit the Philippines:
Avatar thread
Post famous homosexuals from your country
/deutsch/ Mein Erbsenpüree Ausgabe
Can she pass as a local in your country?
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Daily reminder sugardaters is the new interpals
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Yesterday was his birthday!
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Well yes indeed, i'm Algerian, how could you tell ?
ITT we post the bad guys
Roast the country above, below or whoever you want
Imagine being chad in brazil
Can your country's leader take a joke?
HONHONHON your game is now le ruined
One press of this button randomly kills one Chinese person from the mainland
"Dude,Asian language? Yeah bro I'm learning Mandarin right now. Japanese...
Do you guys mostly consume local or foreign media?
How do these countries with so many languages even work?
%100 indonesian
Okay, which one of you is this
/v4/ + friends
How does Italians feel being called "olive oil niggers"
You can see my adoptive mothers grave to the left
I'm tired of Jow Forums and other inferior boards stealing Jow Forums memes...
Fridges of Jow Forums
Sverigetråden - DNAupplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How can we draw attention to (((Euroweek))) indoctrination camp?
Why Chinese nose is so flat and big??
How do I find a cute korean gf (male)?
I’m taking Spanish class at uni but I can’t find any motivation for learning Spanish. Can you share yours, amigos?
/rewe/ ehemals /deutsch/
What kind of autism is this, and why is it so common on this specific board?
Playing Battlefield V
Give Helsinki, Turku, and Vaasa back to Sweden. They are Swedish cities
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Whites are the superior race
This is Japanese-Russian hapa girl
What country do you want to disappear from earth
*dabs on amerisharts*
Why isn't India as developed as China?
WTF Korea?
Are they Russian?
*destroys Jow Forumsedditors*
Why are white people so prone to do crime?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Why are there half Negros with colored eyes and light hair while half chinks almost never have these features?
No more Renault influences in Nissan
/lang/ – Language Learning General (embed)(embed)
Jesus Christ, Italy
Your country
What did your country do in WW2?
1. Your female genitalia
Why does Ireland cause so much butthurt in Brits ?
What do you think will be the next MAJOR event to happen on a geopolitical level?
Is there a more pathetic population than Germans?
Hahahaha Japs got so butthurt over the average IQ thread because Korea was above them by one point
Family Tree
Racist Eurocuck boomers made me learn completely useless languages instead of the infinitely more useful Mandarin or...
Germany is gonna start ww3
When you see a cockroach in your room
When will UK, Argentina and Chile sort out there borders? When the Treaty expires...
1. Your country
Guess I'll just become a trap
Do you love natto?
Why Russian look like hapa? Is it because of mongol gene??
If your country isn't in the list of the 20 most present on Jow Forums (as lastly recorded), it's a non-country
You guys told me that gypsies were lying, stealing, scamming thieves. This Roma bureaucrat is a cute
So what is it, Russian or German clay?
/ITA/ - il filo
International thread
Kurva anyátok
I just woke up and realized that I'll never be French or even live in France
Just so you Europeans know, If America we’re to leave NATO you’d all be fucked by Russia and the Islamic states
Feet from around the world
This is Suhai Talpur, a brave female police officer...
/tr/ - ş*H-İTler öldü vatan bölündü
Question for first-worlders
What are the best places for sex tourism as a virgin freak?
Man's testosterone dropped to historical low
This is what the Australian flag should be
Why is this board so full of Chinese diaspora?
Pat my head or i will banish you from the Kingdom of Belgium
/MeNa/ - Middle East and North Africa
All my dad does when he's home is sit on the couch and watch football or football documentaries
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
After a year without smoking weed I still want to smoke it so fucking badly
Mistook a flip as Mexican at work
This singaporean guy is 52 years old
International thread
Post the best AND the worst your country has to offer
Why don't you have a japanese gf yet?
Your cunt
Hunger games bread - very drunk OP edition
Do Americans think this looks normal?
Your Perception of USA as a child
Australia has just overtaken Switzerland to become the number 1 country for median wealth per adult
Americans how do we fix the south?
Why do Americans get so angry when they are called mutts?
Teenage girl dies to electric shock from a mobile phone
Sverigetråden - Rabattupplagan
Why are browns and blacks obsessed over white women?
Vietnamese women are extremely underrated. They're some of the most beautiful women from Asia...
I don't understand how people don't feel deeply wrong inside when they're living on stolen land
Is Germany really the land of virtue, or are they just LARPing?
Listen to media round here
Guess the Ethnicity
Why yes I am Finnish, how did you know?
Are manlets oppressed in your country?
What happens in this state
Is this a thing in Japan? Really?
Where would you live if you had to choose between Finland and Japan?
My step sisters have big tits
Hunger games bread - drunk OP edition
Have you ever falled down in public?
Your cunt
Thanksgiving is just another excuse for disgusting fat amerilards for stuffing themselves with greasy ass food some more
You wake up in Thailand
I wish this was made illegal across the globe
China banned Turkish flag and Keanu Reeve in East Turkestan
What city in the Muslim world has the most mosques?
Finally get a gf
I should be studying for a hard chemistry exam but dont give two single fucks tbqh yolo
Why does everyone on Jow Forums hate American cuisine?
Mfw our new Minister of Education is literally a ferocious anti-commie Colombian
Do americans really look like this?
Slightly banter an american
Tfw my country has never done anything cool or badass
D&G cancels Shanghai fashion show amid racism accusations
Brazilians are traitors
Wtf i hate mexico now
What is the most important language except english?
Is there a regulation on streaming media in your cunt?
What the actual fuck is wrong with trannies? why are they so melodramatic and overly emotional about everything...
Is this why British colonies became the most successful?
Tell me about the US, I want to know about all the states: accents, idioms, food, manners, clothing...
Ask anything
That Auntie who travels around the world to compensate the fact that she’s single and no one wants her and has...
Holy fuck Amerimutts btfo ;)
Faces of Jow Forums
Red: Countries whose history matters
/brit/ - drill edition
Any of you guys like larping?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship