Why does everyone on Jow Forums hate American cuisine?

Why does everyone on Jow Forums hate American cuisine?

Attached: oreo-shake.jpg (970x514, 77K)

>he doesn't dirty bulk with oreo shakes

Why are there crustaceans in this?

>90% calcium
>80% iron
>52% fiber
>38g protein
>40% Vitamin A
And if you eat 12 of them you can all your daily Vitamin C as well!

there's more calories in that single cup than a healthy young male needs on daily basis, just letting you know

>not becoming a bloatgod

Attached: 1537063388130.png (850x401, 151K)

its got a lot of protein so that means its good for you

>Contains: Crustaceans

Attached: F5F36144-5637-43C8-9A6B-BDF3FADAB0F5.gif (368x348, 2.49M)

Are such milkshakes sold in russia?

never seen one
bought oreo only once because of all the memes in 2015 and it was shit

Oreos themselves are overrated, shame you fell for the meme instead of just getting a nice oatmeal chocolate chip cookie instead

That's one liter of milkshake, goddamn

Attached: soy.png (1080x127, 26K)

Usually means one ingredient or another was processed somewhere that also does crustaceans
Oreo is the worst of brand of that type of cookie. The Trader Joe's brand, some poleshit brand and one other I tried were significantly better

Stealing this image

I don't want to be diabetes

This is 32 fluid ounces, or close to 1 litre. A 500ml serving would be closer to half that, which is more reasonable but still extremely calorie-dense. Don't know why it would be classified as a drink and not a dessert in its own right.

I think they use crustaceans in processed forms to change the texture of stuff that would otherwise be goop.

This image made me throw up a little in my mouth.

The trader joe’s one is pretty good man, I like the candy cane ones they have during the holidays too

That’s the whole point of that image bro

>american cuisine

Attached: 1510188722699.webm (848x480, 2.8M)

too fatty


god i wish that were me

not if you workout and/or not a skeleton/manlet

fat content is unremarkable as it's actually good for people to consume, it's the sugar and carbs that really destroy people

was she making affogatos? thats too much ice cream
