Thanksgiving is just another excuse for disgusting fat amerilards for stuffing themselves with greasy ass food some more

Thanksgiving is just another excuse for disgusting fat amerilards for stuffing themselves with greasy ass food some more

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i knew op is from canada

Yes, and?

does this make you upset?

Uh okay, thanks for that profound revelation bro

Its for family

Most holidays are just an excuse to eat and drink (especially drink)

You know it originates from a harvest day in Europe, right?


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This Amerifat is upset hahah

I'm so sorry you had to see this thread.

Is oven baked turkey, mashed potatoes, casserole, and pumpkin pie really that fattening overall? I mean the pie I guess

cringe and gaypilled

what is it that they actially give thanks to?

I make fun of burgers like every other normal person but I don't mock their traditions, it's a cultural thing, you went too far IMO op, you are acting like a faggot that hates fun a good times

You also have a more recent Thanksgiving holiday held earlier that is the same shit. You hypocritical fucks went out and copied us like you always do.

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>Most holidays are just an excuse to eat and drink (especially drink)
This, the based Frenchman understands but the faggot Canadian OP is too busy stuffing themselves with Poutine and all dressed to understand.

at the original thanksgiving meal it was a sign of being thankful for the bountiful harvest and the teachings of natives who showed them the best way to farm the lands (before they were ritually slaughtered by the wh*Te man, as is his nature(

>posted from my white invention

>mashed potatoes
lots of butter in this (fattening)
lots of butter in this (fattening)
>pumpkin pie

at the end of the day it is the calorie surplus that will cause you to gain weight

It's the quantities and how its prepared but yes roast turkey, boiled root vegetables, steamed greens and some stuffing in normal serving sizes is actually fairly low calorie.

it's just a joke
do people actually take wh*Teposting seriously

>white invention

this is an oxymoron, wh*Tes only steal, they never invent things on their own

what's the problem, it's a holiday, you go running the next day and burn it

Thankful for the positives in your life like not starving, being poor, having a home, etc. You IIRC arent supposed to beg God for shit but are supposed to thank him like on this day. My family however always prayed that he be with the less fortunate. Its basically a secular religious holiday, a lot of charity takes place.

go back to pol man

You might be right if all of those things weren't drowned in butter and sodium

>this is an oxymoron, wh*Tes only steal, they never invent things on their own

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can you stinky brown subhumans leave please

sounds a bit boring, desu

se calento la hoja



lots of food and family around, how is this boring? you can play vg all day and be fed awesome food at the same time, come on

Turkey is fattening.. compared to cardboard

eastern europeans are notoriously negative for no good reason

They didnt slaughter them retard. The invited Indians were allied tribes who they later went to war beside against other tribes and later Europeans and the diseases that killed 95% of the Americas did their damage before any pilgrim set foot on the Americas (trade contact did the damage).

you didn't need to quote him, don't quote tards on this board pls

based autistic unable to recognize a joke poster

why are you leafs so cringe?

Sodium isnt actually the issue and you can avoid butter. It's the quantities that make it fucked up....keep in mind Om white so I'm not eating mac and cheese with a cup of butter.

I didn’t quote him but point taken

I wasn’t saying that it sounded very bad or anything, it just lacks some kind of entertaining gimmick. You know like ghost on Halloween or Santa on Christmas. I don’t really like Easter that much for the same reason

Its food, drink and family. It's a lot of fun and we also realize we arent suffering and many try to help our poor. It seems like a good holiday. We also managed to make a holiday without any official religion that applies to everyone in the country and all ethnicities and religions embrace it.

>I don’t really like Easter that much for the same reason

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It's not autism but holiday drinking.
I've had beer, white wine, red wine, sparkling white wine, bourbon, more beer and more red. Cheers!

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>I don’t really like Easter that much
Move here, we don't celebrate Easter

There really isnt a gimmick market here. The corporations dont really sell cards or candy. The ones that are selling shit are just selling an ingredient for a traditional food. A lot of places shut down. It's weird in that along with the fourth it's a holiday for all Americans. It doesn't depend upon who you are, your background or what you have or havent're supposed to enjoy it and everyone is in a good mood.

holy shit man, that's a rookie mistake: you don't mix, you'll know tomorrow, hope you're having fun

Holidays are meant to be enjoyned AKA; Pass out drunk with a belly full of food whilst hanging out with your senpai

>you don't mix liquors
>rookie mistake.

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>tfw we have Black Friday sales

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>you'll know tomorrow
>implying I have EVER had a hangover
>implying hangovers aren't just dehydration and pathetically slow alcohol metabolism

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