rise and shine edition
rise and shine edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw I am late to making the thread and bulgar gets ahead of me
Oh boy another morning where I get to be squished in 111 alongside 200 other people coughing in my face. I will kill Fandakova with my bare hands
at least it's friday
Reminder of how small we are.
Do you have this in your balkan shitland
talk about yourself manlet
is that real photo
No, it's photoshoped but the size comparison is true, we are indeed very small compared to the Sun. Pic related, Pic of Earth from near the edge of our Solar System from Voyager 1 (one of my favorite pictures ever taken)
>implying sun is not just a hologram and earth is not flat
At least you are a proof of the theory that the absolute majority of modern communists are nothing more than gulag fodder.
what's your plan for today
Get bored in uni and try to make out with gf
bible says it's flat
Show me that passage
if you have issues with the bible feel free to join other heretics in a bonfire
Did you even read the link? lmao both the circle and the "He set the earth on it's foundations; it can never be moved." are vague statements, since no mention of an actual planet is revealed. It's like commies want to force the less charitable understanding of each religion as if they want to push something something materialism something something atheism. Πίστευε kαι μη, ερεύνα.
What do you say as a casual bye formula in your country to other persons (not that close ones). Here its lek den which literally translated means light/easy day
Do I fucking hate it when the leafes fall out, makes me depressed
I hate the snow. It's cute when you're a kid but when you have to trudge in it because yet again the sidewalks are not cleaned it's a nightmare
it literally says that earth has 4 corners
it's flat and square shaped
btw hey I don't expect you, an orthodog, to be a real christian anyway, after all your kind calls for genocide of other nations and praises jesus in houses made of gold
>it literally says that earth has 4 corners
Welcome to the notion of north, south,east and west.
>It's like commies want to force the less charitable understanding
Don't try to prove me right just after I called you out on it, wait a liitle bit first
I'm glad I grew up listening quality music
>they didn't literally mean 4 corners
why fake """christians""" are like this? next time they'll claim that just because there is no dinosaurs mentioned in bible it doesn't means that they didn't exist
>be me
>be forced to end my neeting
>look for a job
>not qualified for anything
>apply at Econt, after two short interviews I got a job at the nearest office, literally 150 m away from home
>thinking to myself "kek, this is gonna be easy, things always workout in the end"
>mfw when at first day they make me read a 160 page manual on how to adress letters and stuff or use programs to record the data
Il Duce
are there any macedonians here?
fake quote
mussolini is just pol pot for people who never had sex
>he's only has to argue shitposting-tier points
mind quoting me that part in bible where jesus, god, or any apostle told people to build houses made of gold
Many of these people also do charity. So it's God's decision to judge their souls and ours to whether this is a sin (welcome to the concept of sin, from which no one is free from, not even priests) or not
>mixed alcohol and a lot of bromazepam last night
>woke up on the floor with the worst headache ever
>can't stop fucking shaking
Never again.
did you attempt a suicide?? wtf
No, I just took some bromazepam to calm down last night and then felt like drinking. I'm not very intelligent.
>We often used to make fun of our Albanian friend and tell him to go steal a scooter.
>I'm not very intelligent.
Well, you are magyar after all
Look at their thread, its full of third world living there.
I am a Greek you subhumans
Bannerlord soon, I know it. I just know it. I believe. I BELIEVE!
Why has maxbounty a phone interview wtf
Basic mistake
U jelly poorfag?;)
Good luck getting an account on the best CPA network
I'm pretty sure that's a sunset.
I'll tell u now in case I'm gone
Maxbounty is one of the more 'mainstream' networks their checks/requirements are not as stringent. They will let in anyone who isn't an outright retard.
Any CPA network will phone call you to interview/verify you know how to run campaigns, ask you about past projects, budget, and if you don't meet their requirements (say you have money/experience but you sound shady and will send them bad leads) they will reject you. They only want the best affiliates
You might do better if you admit you have 0 experience but that you have money to spend and that it's your first try, your chances are better than faking it.
I made an account with them when I was 13 or 14, I bypassed it with fake info from a relative and then got one of the senior affiliate managers on skype and convinced them to approve my account lol. I have another real one but don't work with them
I basically go to offervault.com
I don't even know what that is
I already got it ;)
Thanks, what do you with mean "contact them"`?
Post proof of approval email
need a second bf
Offervault lets me compare the biggest most mainstream offers
Maxbounty often offers way lower payouts than smaller networks, sometimes up to 100% less (but sometimes it's the same)
For instance, look at this offer and the difference in lead payout per network:
>what do you with mean "contact them"
I get the number of the owners and call them?
business idea
I am not the guy who just applied, I have it since longer. But I just cant make any breakthrough, I invest almost no time. Apparently im good at bringing pages on fb up with minimal budget and effort, but I am not sure how to monetize it properly. Often ill open blackhatworld or vids to learn and then drop it, I guess its hard to get motivated if you already have a decent income. Weak af
why half-brown people are always doing some shady scheming business
it seems to get even worse in age of internet, back in 90s you would simply sell drugs to other half-browns but now they use such words as payout and network
and it scares me
Oh cool, balk goes full MLM
We finally reached the bottom
Ok, but why would you call them? Dont they have also just plain registration ways for you to access their offers? Then again you probably have already a big network of all kinds of shit so you get better rates than beginners like me.
When these tickets started they had a game. Whomever buys most tickets and registers them gets (insert random car for like 30k lev). I figured if I buy 2000 it would be enough, let alone you could in theory also win big from some of the ones bought. So I didnt do anything in the end due to laziness and some guy won who invested in like 1600 tickets. 1600*5 lev (assuming the most expensive ones, probably just 2 lev) but getting a car for this is still very decent profit.
Isnt Russia the literal home of drug abuse and third world diseases such as aids?
All those "internet marketing" forums are full of burnouts, poorfags, indians and other subhumans
If you want to learn sign up for stmforum ($99/m) , suck up all the facebook advertising threads and save them
If you want to know more, what offers/platforms convert in 2018, how to advertise you can come to my synagogue and convert, I don't teach non jews
>try to make out
You're getting cucked, my dude.
Will take a look at them.
What to think about such offers?
Isnt this basically just requiring some mailing lists you have, pref. US based content?
aren't you that 40 years old boomer who still browses Jow Forums and cheats on his wife with south american transgenders
All through out the ages, dating back over 1000 years.
The roots of anti-Turkism can be traced back to the arrival of the Huns in Europe. While the ethnic background of the Huns is a matter of dispute among historians, they are widely believed to have been of Turkic origin,[11] and their invasion inspired fear among Europeans.
Even turks did not like the name of a turk, as it was associated with blood thirsty barbarians:
In the words of a British observer of the Ottoman values and institutions at the start of the twentieth century: "The surest way to insult an Ottoman gentleman is to call him a 'Turk'. His face will straightway wear the expression a Londoner's assumes, when he hears himself frankly styled a Cockney. He is no Turk, no savage, he will assure you, but an Ottoman subject of the Sultan, by no means to be confounded with certain barbarians styled Turcomans, and from whom indeed, on the male side, he may possibly be descended."
100s of years ago, mention the word "turk" and western Europeans would turn pale with fear. A similar effect to saying the word "Mongols", both invoke an image of horse riding blood thirsty barbarians.
I don't do email or zip submits, mostly ecommerce, refi and financial high-payout stuff
It's a waste of time, good luck making roi on such trash. They also fizzle out after 1-2 months at best
Not to mention facebook will slap your account faster than you did your wife
Wtf are you guys even talking about?
>written by rapebaby rapebabyovic to easen his buttpain coming from the fact that he's ruled by turks
How long did it take you for everything to bring out a decent income? I dont know how much you make with this and I probably wouldnt get an honest answer, is it more than me? How many hours are you on average occupied with it per day? Most importantly, every website asks me for an own company, do I need to register one in order to get through to the credit card based payment systems? Is shopify still profitable?
Multi Level Marketing, they'll sell us essential oils and diet pills soon
About the AERODROM masterrace, we have everything maybachs bentleys ferraris
easy on the drugs bro, why would you take them in the first place?
Its true, turk was an offense during ottoman times.
Honestly you will burn through 2000-3000 euros before you even get your first conversion unless you get extremely lucky, you have no idea what you're doing
If you're dead serious about it I suggest taking an American VPN, sign up for an American facebook account in a certain demographic (make it a male over 24 years old), load it up with a couple of american friends and other generic shit and start watching the ads flow
Then you can directly rip them off, if they're spending money they are making money. It's that simple. If you start seeing patterns like what offers are being promoted, you can find similar on offervault and build up identical campaigns (just look on stmforum about how to minimize your ad spend so you don't lose all your money like a retard) and you're good
It could take only 1-2 months with your level of income to totally replace your salary, 4k is lunch money
Monthly minimum wage:(EURO)
Russia : 139
Albania : 179
Net monthly minimum wage(EURO)
Russia : 120
Albania : 159
HAHAHAHAHAHA they're worse than Albania LOOOOOL
Sometimes I feel like the biggest retard in the world.
t. urk
Alright bro, will def. save this one in a word file.
Lets assume ill have everything set, generic US acc, maybe even 2, filled with some decent amount of friends and generic content. Ill now try to promote some diet pills for ex, so ill make a page for them, occ. share content on my fb accounts and also spend budget to promote it otherwise. The pages id associate with my real account though, and then share content from the US acc.?
impossible since ROMAnians, bugarians and gayreeks still exist
I really wonder what kind of mentality people that fall for obvious scams such as diet pills have. Do they even think?
>says the weak communist slavshit
Lol diet pills, do you think this is 2008? It's super hard to push any weight loss or such stuff, facebook clamped down on it years ago. You must be really good at baiting them at a neutral page like something related to weight loss and then selling your trash but it's not worth it
>Lets assume ill have everything set, generic US acc, maybe even 2, filled with some decent amount of friends and generic content
Yeah but clear out all your cookies, between sessions, always make it and log in with an American ip. If you sign up with a bulgarian ip and set the location to "Usa' it will still give you ads targeted to bulgarians
You won't see real american ads to rip off unless you sing up with a real american account. Also do this for instagram, it's actually getting bigger than fb. There are apps to install a vpn for your entire phone and not just chrome so you can also jack intsa ads (for females it's gold)
Thanks for the guidance man, ill start setting the acc. at least, I have a lot of time on my hands for the next weeks to come.
you should sell these pills at your local church
Shopify is just part of the ecommerce boom that is all the shit in [current year], especially on instagram . You'll see people selling everything from flashlights to hiking water filters to makeup and diapers (all on cpa networks)
When you make your ads, you can do this inside your facebook account or sign up for business manager on fb (it's also free with your account but more options). You can also make fb and insta ads from the same panel on business manger
Gross average monthly salaries(EURO)
Russia : 522
Serbia : 579
She's just shy about doing it in around colleagues otherwise she's down
btw I can guarantee that two freaks above are working together, they try to attract more people into their bonzi scheme so their capitalist slave master will pay them higher % for fresh meat
I can tell it by how fast they reply to each other, they simply copypaste it from notepad
these people are scammers, don't fall for it
and keep in mind, you have nothing to lose but your chains
Your average salary is very inflated because you make the workers pay all of their insurance
Someone would spend like a full year or two researching the shit I just distilled this guy in 30 minutes
You are a monkey who will always be a monkey so no wonder your brain blocks it out
Easy with the crocodile bro
kek, i just scammed a guy
he paid 5.87 for documents delivery, while his stuff could easily fit in a letter from 1.50
i liek it hier
They don't work together, they're the same person: fyrombey.
Yeah, you figured me out
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