>In excerpts from his journal, John Allen Chau, the American who is believed to have been killed by members of the isolationist Sentinelese tribe on a tiny, remote island in the Bay of Bengal, wrote of returning to the island to continue his attempts at conversion even after a tribesman shot at him with a bow and arrow, piercing a Bible he was carrying.

>>"I hollered [to the Sentinelese], 'My name is John, I love you and Jesus loves you,'" he wrote in his diary, pages of which were shared by his mother with the Washington Post. Shortly after, a young member of the tribe shot at him, according to his account.

>"Lord, is this island Satan's last stronghold where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?" he wrote.

>His notes indicate that he knew the trip was illegal, describing how the small fishing vessel transported him to the isolated island under cover of darkness, evading patrols. "God Himself was hiding us from the Coast Guard and many patrols," he wrote.

>After being shot, he swam back to the boat and wrote one final note to his family before returning to the island. "You guys might think I'm crazy in all this but I think it's worthwhile to declare Jesus to these people," it said. "God, I don't want to die." The fishermen later saw the tribespeople dragging his limp body around by a rope made from what appeared to be coconut fiber while laughing children poked at it with sticks.

Rough. Dude was a modern day Crusader.

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>Rough. Dude was a modern day Crusader.

But he didn't kill any Jews, or attempt to set up his own fiefdom.


How the fuck are bows and arrows still able to defend an entire island
Drop a fucking tank on there or something

Did he get eaten?


>Drop a fucking tank on there or something

>while laughing children poked at it with sticks
Btw, are average americans really like this?

>How the fuck are bows and arrows still able to defend an entire island
Because nobody aside from Jow Forumstards would actually invade the island.

I read somewhere that the retrieval of the body won't be simple. Probably its already a Chau mein

>Rough. Dude was a modern day Crusader.
kill yourself

>How the fuck are bows and arrows still able to defend an entire island
The island is being protected by the Indian Navy. The inhabitants are basically considered an endangered species like Galapagos turtles.


If IIRC they're on that island for something like 60'000 years. They're still locked in the stone age basically

Deus Vult.

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he should have worn his mail and helm :DDD

>Be American
>Get shot

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Not even the real crusade were cool lmao most of them were embarassing, especially the 4th tb h

kys vult

The FAITH of the modern day crusader scares the nihilistic athe*st

>The fishermen later saw the tribespeople dragging his limp body around by a rope made from what appeared to be coconut fiber while laughing children poked at it with sticks.
All's well that ends well

How can we show the sentinelese our appreciation?

Maybe airlift them a few tonnes of papayas?

Would this be sufficient contract to spread the fatal diseases the media always brings up when talking about this tribe?


I suspect that they only want to stay alone so don't going there would be the best gift probably. kek

I feel no sympathy for these morons, christcucks are betas who hold naive worldviews. They’re all giant pussies. Weak people like this idiot deserve to die.

Surely we can send them food to thank their recent contribution to humanity

They're not stupid they didn't touch the m*tt

I hope this encourages more evangelists to go and get shot.

I know that they seem to appreciate when the indian navy gift them coconuts. So maybe more coconuts

John Chau's journal, part 1/3

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they probably thought he was a demon

We should try to introduce chaos and observe
Maybe drop a sentinelese bible somewhere on the island, although I doubt any of them can read.


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>waterproof bible
he really deserved to get shot

>Dude was a modern day Crusader.
No, he wasn't, he was a typical Christcuck.


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I don't know what they put into the water in America that makes people become zealots of some weird christian sect

It's the autism vaccines.

The missionaries that first came to Brazil had a saying "The only way to convert natives is by using the same language as the people, if they talk peace we are peaceful, if they talk violence we do the same"

The american preacher should have shot a few sentinelese so they would understand whos in charge and be willing to accept God.

The problem is no one knows the tribe's language except the tribe itself. They tried using a language common among neighboring islands (Jarawa), but it's not mutually intelligible with whatever the Sentinelese speak.

If he was held hostage would the Americans carpet bomb the island

i hope he brought a disease to the island. based man

Estrogen in water, steroids and antibiotics in meat, pesticides in plants.

>The fishermen later saw the tribespeople dragging his limp body around by a rope made from what appeared to be coconut fiber while laughing children poked at it with sticks.

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There was no way he would not become a religious zealot. He attended a religious high school and graduated from a "Bible university." It's not a real university, but you learn about Jesus for 4 years and they give you a degree in Bible studies, and some Christian companies will hire you

> Chau had lived in Oklahoma, where he attended Oral Roberts University, and in southwestern Washington state, where he attended Vancouver Christian High School.

>God, I don't want to die

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One of Chau’s friends, Casey Prince, 39, of Cape Town, South Africa, said he met the adventurer about six years ago, when Chau was a manager on the soccer team at Oral Roberts University. Chau and others on the team traveled to South Africa to volunteer at a soccer development and social leadership program Prince founded, Ubuntu Football Academy.

Since then, Chau had been back to visit Prince and his family or tutor and coach boys in the program about four times. Most recently, he was there from mid-September to mid-October, Prince said.

Prince described him as easy to like, kind, joyful and driven by twin passions: a love of the outdoors and fervent Christianity.

“He was an explorer at heart,” Prince said. “He loved creation and being out in it, I think having probably found and connected with God that way, and deeply so.”

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One less Christcuck who tried to poison the world with his retarded religion. Good riddance.

Chau went on to graduate from Oral Roberts University, a Christian college in Oklahoma, in 2014, with a degree in health and exercise science.

“I have never known a more courageous, selfless, compassionate man and friend,” said Bobby Parks, the department’s former director. “John lived and gave his life to share the love of Jesus with everyone.”

Chau also worked with Parks’ nonprofit, More Than a Game, a soccer program for disadvantaged children, including refugees.

Chau traveled to the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq in 2014 to work with Syrian and Iraqi refugee youth, Parks said, and he worked with Burmese refugee children in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for several years.


that's ironic, look what is on your own flag

In a Q&A for the wilderness adventure website the Outbound Collective, Chau said he first fell in love with the outdoors as a child, when he read books like “Robinson Crusoe” and “The Sign of the Beaver,” a tale of a white boy who befriends a Native American boy after being abandoned in a cabin in 18th century Maine.

The latter book “inspired my brother and I to paint our faces with wild blackberry juice and tramp through our backyard with bows and spears we created from sticks,” Chau said. “Since then, the outdoors have been my home.”

Alex Burgdorfer, who lives in Eugene, Oregon, said he met Chau last year when the two went through a recertification course for wilderness first responders. The two hit it off because of their mutual interest in travel and hiking and had recently been trying to get together for a hiking trip in the Northwest.

“He was an inspiration for me,” he said. “His energy was pure. He gave you his full attention and his full thoughts.”

During the wilderness first-aid course, Burgdorfer recalled, Chau gave a short talk about treating snake bites in the wilderness, telling the group of his experience getting bitten by a rattlesnake and almost losing his leg.

It happened during one of the three seasons Chau lived alone in a cabin at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area in California, where he would be dispatched to wilderness emergencies.

Burgdorfer said Chau had been standing near a river when he was bitten on the left ankle. Chau’s Instagram feed displays his grotesquely swollen leg and says he spent several days in a hospital.

Is it illegal to give them guns?

Imagine how many missionaries they could eliminate with a dozen AK47 rifles.

It's a shame, I think he was kind of sexy

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>thats ironic
No, that would be factual

>“I hollered, ‘My name is John, I love you and Jesus loves you,’ ” he wrote in his journal. One of the juveniles shot at him with an arrow, which pierced his waterproof Bible

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>john allen chau
This is why you shouldn't racemix

that's fucked

>europeans convert the world
>it works
>americans try and convert
>they get shot
I feel bad for him but why are americans so shit at spreading the Word? theres even two americans who went into a village somewhere in eastern europe trying to convert but got kicked out for cusing a ruckus. The village was Catholic.

In a way the Sentinalese were more enlightened and less brainwashed than him

Because protestantism is cancer and everyone knows it

Protestantism is the dominant religion, and Catholicism is regarded as fake/untrue Christianity. A lot of Americans will go to Latin America and Mexico to convert the heathen Mexican Catholics into true Christianity

don't know about that, as tribes tend to have their own load of bullshit, myth-justified power relations and cruel customs.
but this level of indoctrination is genuinely fucked

Lel you are the heretics you were expelled from europe for this exact reason. You will relize thi the day you wake up in hell

why would the true church castrate little boys?
seem kinda disgusting to me

Why won't the Indian government assert its sovereignty over their own land?

If some alone tourist through bribes get into forbidden territory, it means government don't assert sovereignty?
Ibet if he would get away alive, they would charge him by law. But he is dead, so no criminal, no charge.

The filthy protestant churches do

Because it’s the last pre-neolithic tribe on earth? And contact with modern people could wipe them out from disease? Pretty stupid question, they’re isolated for good reasons

because there is probably nothing of value on that island, the indigenous would have been wiped out of it a long time ago if it were the case.

This isn't the first time that outsiders have been murdered by the Andaman tribes, the murderers are still on Sentinel island. And think of all of the other terrible things which are probably happening on Sentinel island. Indian laws should apply to Indian land.
With proper procedures the risk of spreading disease could be minimized

It's unethical to keep people living in savagery, the Andaman tribes should be civilised, whether they like it or not.

Wait, so they discovered fire? Shit, fucking morons could deplete all the wood on that tiny island.

Thousands of people have been destroyed by this do-gooder attitude, from Papua to Australia to Namibia and Canada.
The Sentinelese are protected and isolated by India for a reason.

You are missing most of the Americas in that list, and an exponential amount of people in your tally.

hapa, no surprise there

Those people were conquered, not forced from a savage lifestyle into modern society because of muh enlightenment. However, the treatment of Amazonian natives by loggers is a good example.

The circumstances are different.

They are reduced to the status of endangered animals. They should be made aware of their situation and given a choice. The sentinelese are an extreme case due to their hostility. But there are plenty of other natives aware of the outside world but also “proteced“ and forced to live in the jungle. They receive no education and are not allowed to sell their land or use it for productive things.

It worked out so well that Natives make up less than 1% of the population. Nice conversion.

What a fucking dumbass

Why can't people like you fuck off and leave others alone?

>The fishermen later saw the tribespeople dragging his limp body around by a rope made from what appeared to be coconut fiber while laughing children poked at it with sticks.


The Brazilian wasn't being literal he was saying violent people only understand violence.

English education ah

They aren't forced at all and they clearly use their land. Though kudos to you for making people respond to your shit bait.

Look at that tard handwriting.

You sound angry. Why are you angry?

>John Allen Chau
I have but one question: What was his father's origin? g*ok, ch*nk or vi*ttoid? I can't tell from the name alone.

I read in the Washington Post that his father was an immigrant from China after the cultural revolution, and his mother was a half Finnish-half American missionary

>Indian laws should apply to Indian land.
Indian laws say "don"t go there or die".

So he's actually 3/4ths Asian

>God let me show them your ways
>Now the tribesman have to play at God's rules because they know of his existence.

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doh hoh house hoh

*hoh hoh hoh


I'm putting together a team

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Say hello !

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