Why isn't India as developed as China?
Why isn't India as developed as China?
Colonialism and the caste system
Ask the Indians
Internal conflict and difficulty gathering the nation as well as geographic struggles and a massive rural population kept as such by the british when it was the British Raj.
The British tried to keep the Indian people weak, Whilst China in the warlord era got allot of support and equipment from the Soviet Union, America, Britain, France and even factories in Manchuria from Japanese colonization. Everyone was dumping resources into China during its civil war to gain sway over the region, but nobody was, sending good stuff to India.
China is a fascist state that's why it works even with a retarded ass population
Fascism is the future.
Speaking of which once you've sorted your shit out can you help us fix our shit? thanks.
I for one will welcome our new Brazilian Overlords.
indians are more laid back and dont care as much,thats what my dad said when he went to india
The rich and developed part is capitalist
Other than colonialism the caste system really hinders progress by preventing the brightest and the best from being successful
Fascist capitalism
You can't fix a brown country without ethnic cleansing
democracy, in china they don't need to go through a gridlocked government that barely works
How did you get past the censors?
>The British tried to keep the Indian people weak
Jow Forums nor 4channel are banned in China
Ununified languages and caste system
>muh caste system
The correct answer is lower IQ.
there were no censors in india. my dad had a temporary teaching job in some state near himalaya where dalai lama lives,it was interesting
I think he was referring to how are you able to post from China
Just by hearing about it I can tell the caste system has had horrible ramifications for Indian society. I swear to god Pajeets are the only ones who will defend that shit to the death.
Chinks are superior asian masterrace
while Indians are shit-brown people who are not islamic retards merely by accident
ummmm by using internet???????
The brits fucked them up.
Your dad is a secret agent
they're both shitholes lol
but you need to pay a whole days wages to afford a vpn
is it really worth it
yes i like talking to international ppls
Not really. There is no way to properly verify the IQ of a entire country.
looks pretty comfy though. china is becoming too isolated and westernized
Easy answer?
A lot of factors.
Colonialial exploitation and post partition famine, chaos aside, the current day reasons boil down to mainly three factors.
1) India opened up it's economy in the mid 90s, around 10-15 years after China did. Meaning China got a pretty solid start on India who was socialist at the time.
2) China's government being authoritarian in nature means that decisions, policies and the like are passed and enforced much easier than in India. For example, after years of playing with the idea of raising FSI/FAR (floor space index or floor area ratio, i.e how many floors/stories a building can have in a given area), the government only increased it by a little. It is still 0.5 -1.7 in most areas. The highest is in some parts of downtown Mumbai where it is between 3-5, if I'm not mistaken (compared to 15 in Hong Kong and 23 in some parts of Manhattan).
3) This is the obvious one, corruption. Most Indian government officials, politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt as fuck and a large portion of taxes and government revenue goes into their own pockets rather than into development. Most development actually takes place during the year preceding election time so the party in power can make it seem like theyve done a lot of help while they were in power.
Due to all of these various reasons, India is still far behind China, at least by 15 years minimum. Things are progressing, albeit slow but it's better than nothing.
Because China liberalized their economy in the 1970s and India liberalized their economy in the 1990s.
And because colonialism was more extensive and brutal in India.
Lynn's and Vanhanen's IQ numbers are bullshit they made up out of thin air and doesn't explain why China was as poor as India in the 1970s before they opened up their markets and liberalized their economy.