%100 indonesian

>%100 indonesian
>name is Brian Imanuel (what kind of indonesian name is that)
>zero accent when speaking english
wtf is the deal with this guy??

Attached: 180201-Rich-Brian-IG-800x600.jpg (800x600, 81K)

I think he's a little bit Chinese. Regarding the accent, I think it's because Indonesians don't have That much of an accent plus it isn't impossible to sound like a native English speaker without actually being one

Indonesia has a Chinese Christian minority from which he comes from. he practiced speaking without an accent

does every christian around the world use american names?

They're Hebrew Biblical names, but I presume they adopted those names to stand out from the majority, who are using Arabic variants on the names.

The call that saved South East Asia.

It's the same as all muslims having Arabic names.


Attached: Screenshot_30.png (887x615, 1.15M)

>Indonesians don't have That much of an accent plus
That's only the case for the Greater Jakarta people, but yeah the standard bahasa Indonesia doesn't really have an accent.

is he still relevant in Indonesia?

thats an american accent

>Biblical or Kikeish

leaf pls, that's straight up Oirish

I guess ppl who fall prey to American fringe looney protestant sects might adopt American names and ppl who follow the Anglican heresy might additionally name themselves after tea-sipping scurvy victims ie James, but no, real Christian (Catholic) names are GRAECO-RVMAN more than they are Hebrew and they are not Anglo at all.

you can just look at him with his light skin and know he is Chinese. Indonesians look like this

Attached: phillipines_570227293_S1BEUBZTLMAB_RTRMADP_3_PHILIPPINES-MILITANTS-INDONESIA.jpg (2048x1370, 482K)

Does every muslim in the world use arabic names? Also
Those are Irish and Hebrew names, m8

Maybe cause he's an Asian Chad

The Quran is written natively and spoken natively in Arabic, so it's expected of them to take Arabic names.

Is Brian in the McBible: American Edition or something?

What part of "Brian is Irish" dont you understand, Zhao?

t. Brian almoro

>zero accent

Attached: 2gpygg.jpg (326x294, 27K)

t. Giannis Wogopoulos


>plus it isn't impossible to sound like a native English speaker without actually being one
this is what foreigners actually think