This is the future of America
How does that make you feel?
This is the future of America
How does that make you feel?
They look very happy.
the bride's mother could be hispanic, that'd make it more interesting
Nothing cause i won't be here in the future.
So the kids'll come out half white, quarter asian, quarter black?
Are you planning to immigrate to a based and redpilled traditionalist country like Poland or Russia?
I saw an aged woman in walmart with a black boyfriend. She looked so desperate and sad.
I meant i'll be dead in the far out future so it won't matter to me, and since when was poland b&r?
1/128 Irish
We need to check the mestijaze en Americas chart
>tfw survived 'nam all so your daughter marries a gook
The hapa guy is soo cute and handsome, I would like to marry a guy who looks like this. This is the most attractive look in guys in my opinion. Unfortunately it's a very rare look here
Seems fine. America should already be disintegrating at 56% if poltards are correct.
However, our GDP continues to dominate unmutted countries like Japan while violent crime continues to fall.
he probably blacked a bunch of them when he was there
nothing, this has been BR's future for like 500 years already
I am mulatto and my gf is hapa
checkmate magapedes
isn't it actually the future of some african country that's getting CHINK`'d? the place looks like a typical african resort.
It's better than being born with a tail
I unironically knew a girl who was 1/2 white, 1/4 Korean and 1/4th black.
She just looked like a generic Latina.
ywn be a monkey man
They seem like a cute couple! It makes me feel satisfied that their interracial marriage is triggering Danish incels.
>mixed race people looking like mixed raced people
not surprising
Indifferent. My fiance is a brown asian.