This is the future of America

This is the future of America

How does that make you feel?

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They look very happy.

the bride's mother could be hispanic, that'd make it more interesting

Nothing cause i won't be here in the future.

So the kids'll come out half white, quarter asian, quarter black?


Are you planning to immigrate to a based and redpilled traditionalist country like Poland or Russia?

I saw an aged woman in walmart with a black boyfriend. She looked so desperate and sad.

I meant i'll be dead in the far out future so it won't matter to me, and since when was poland b&r?

1/128 Irish

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We need to check the mestijaze en Americas chart

>tfw survived 'nam all so your daughter marries a gook

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The hapa guy is soo cute and handsome, I would like to marry a guy who looks like this. This is the most attractive look in guys in my opinion. Unfortunately it's a very rare look here

Seems fine. America should already be disintegrating at 56% if poltards are correct.

However, our GDP continues to dominate unmutted countries like Japan while violent crime continues to fall.

he probably blacked a bunch of them when he was there

nothing, this has been BR's future for like 500 years already

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I am mulatto and my gf is hapa
checkmate magapedes

isn't it actually the future of some african country that's getting CHINK`'d? the place looks like a typical african resort.

It's better than being born with a tail

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I unironically knew a girl who was 1/2 white, 1/4 Korean and 1/4th black.

She just looked like a generic Latina.

ywn be a monkey man

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They seem like a cute couple! It makes me feel satisfied that their interracial marriage is triggering Danish incels.
>mixed race people looking like mixed raced people
not surprising

Indifferent. My fiance is a brown asian.