Chinks got fucked

Chinks got fucked

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You're making fun about it, but I have strong feeling, that all big countries will adopt credit system in one way or another. Some of them, maybe, in secret way.
And I don't feel it's fun.

My guess is: Russia and UK will try to make it secretly. US will not even try to make secret about it, their media don't even mention about it, whole world will make fun about them, but americans will decline they got anything, because they are land of Freedom. Germany and France will impost it openly, but will try to present it as care about people.

Based. We can't genocide the underclass filth so this is the next best thing. Let them suffer.

Caste system was just ancient credit system.

>Implying this is bad.
They need it to be honest.

Besides literally ALL of the meme """polite asians""" had some sort of similar system in the past. Singaporeans have their tough fines and Meiji Japan literally demanded people to dress in a certain way and banned roaming around naked in public.

yet all the autists on here who would be classified as 'untrustworthy', root for chinese takeover simply because they want to see america fall
a simple short-term decision that will create long-term problems

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except it was determined by birth, not behaviour

You can't move to the upper level in caste system, but in Chinese credit system it's possible.

It was determined by occupation.

>buying too many video games
>losing the right to own pets.
This is the most dystopian thing I've ever seen.

manchildren deserve far worse

>Beijing seeks to implement its controversial “social credit” system, which allows the government to closely monitor and judge each of its 1.3 billion citizens based on their behaviour and activity.

>It will be used to reward or punish people and organisations for “trustworthiness” across a range of measures.

>A key part of the plan not only involves blacklisting people with low social credibility scores, but also “publicly disclosing the records of enterprises and individuals’ untrustworthiness on a regular basis”.

>The plan stated: “We will improve the credit blacklist system, publicly disclose the records of enterprises and individuals’ untrustworthiness on a regular basis, and form a pattern of distrust and punishment.”

>For those deemed untrustworthy, “everywhere is limited, and it is difficult to move, so that those who violate the law and lose the trust will pay a heavy price”.

thank dog i don't live under communism... yet

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>You're making fun about it, but I have strong feeling, that all big countries will adopt credit system in one way or another.
Yours most certainly will.

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Russia is more free than uk actually.

mutt-tier post tbqh

What the fuck is wrong with the Chinese government?

Brain scanners to detect thought crimes when?

Good thing I chose to be in Taiwan

Considering Snowden's reports about how US spy on all people in the world, It's very likely US will implement such system for whole world and will start to distribute credits to all people in the world.

more like, based Chinks taking every precaution to not let the western tanking economy drag China down with them.

The Dragon Will Prevail.

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>tfw you lived through both the peak and fall of civil liberties
Feels bad.

>People are awarded credit points for activities such as undertaking volunteer work and giving blood donations while those who violate traffic laws and charge “under-the-table” fees are punished.

>Other infractions reportedly include smoking in non-smoking zones, buying too many video games and posting fake news online.

>Punishments are not clearly detailed in the government plan, but beyond making travel difficult, are also believed to include slowing internet speeds, reducing access to good schools for individuals or their children, banning people from certain jobs, preventing booking at certain hotels and losing the right to own pets.

Sounds truly fucking based.
Imagine all cagers being banned from getting all but the most menial of jobs.
Imagine taking a long train home and being sorrounded only by the polite, humble and clean people rather than loud, obnoxious smelly retards.
Imagine videogames obsessed manchildren committing sudoku

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I just realised, in fact, it sounds like RPG in real life.

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>US will not even try to make secret about it, their media don't even mention about it, whole world will make fun about them, but americans will decline they got anything, because they are land of Freedom
Will never happen. Only criminals on trial will ever be restricted from foreign travel.

How does that boot taste?

Ok Monaco.

They could make it very difficult for the untouchables to travel, without actually barring them from doing so.
>reduced access to loans, meaning less money available for everything including travel
>increased taxes and fees when renewing a passport or buying airline tickets
>longer, more invasive and tougher security checks at airports
>mandatory probation that would make it difficult (but theoretically possible) to take long trips abroad
>high penalties for "undesirable" behavior abroad (using social network monitoring and a hotline for complaints against tourists)

some of these will certainly make people run amok

wrong the UK will do it openly while we do it covert

Just hope this doesn't happen to us, the current government is also gommunist[nominally]

>this flag

Get real you fucking underage retard

>vote for us or you are a bad citizen
is it only me that can see this coming

There is literally nothing wrong with this other than the abstract concept of muh freedumbs

The west has been doing the same thing for decades

I was born in Canada so I'm a Canadian.

My main problem with the system is it could and most likely will be abused for political persecution. Pretty sad.