My plan

1) Go to Britain pretending I am there for vacation (the lowest hotel etc);
2) Stab some local

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Attached: massive mohammad.jpg (968x645, 48K)

Seems good

sounds good

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What’s your motivation Ivan?Same as in the other thread?
If so bad idea, would be better to do it in norway like you said

>thinks he can bring a knife to england

Ivan you're going to have to plan this a few years in advance

Go, do it, Motherland will be proud of you.

I hope you stab some wh*te engl*sh father while his family watches him bleed out

you seem bitter aha

Made me choke on my drink you bastard


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>mfw Russian user causes WWIII
hopey it does, this world another conflict to remove all the faggotry from this world

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My plan
1) Go to Britain pretending I am there for vacation (the lowest hotel etc);
2) Poison some locals with nerve agent

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Attached: SalisburyCathedral-wyrdlight-EastExt.jpg (1100x908, 798K)

I had a stroke when writing this.

Is that Salisbury cathedral with one hundred and twenty three metre spire? I have touristed there and think is very beautiful.


Attached: 1383161723126.gif (320x180, 1.71M)

Yes it is of many world famous!

please upload it to liveleak

1( Go all summer to the beach and get some karaboga skin tone
2/ Go to france and live like a neet banging all french woman

Attached: France.png (1817x975, 156K)

I don't want you to get hurt lad.

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Are you Muslim, though?

1) Go to Britain pretending I am there for vacation (the lowest hotel etc);
2) Enjoy sightseeing including irrelevant cities such as Cardiff, Swansea, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool

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