Why do americans like to parade around towns and cities?
Why do americans like to parade around towns and cities?
Why do the Dutch smell like piss, shit, cocks, mud, dirt, feces, puss, and cum?
Because they can't keep sending young dumb kids to die if they don't first fool them into thinking there's something noble about being in the military
To baffle and flabbergast Europeans
Tip top koek you know you're gonna hit a nerve when you ask about shitty american nationalistic cringy habits
Why did you make this thread if you've already decided on an answer to your own question?
>american nationalistic cringy habits
What is wrong about those habits?
Its cool if anything
I was actually hoping for a serious insight into this cringefest.
A explanation of why this gets american dicks hard.
What I was expecting from americans (inmediate asshurt) is not the same as answers
Because an American's mindset is a bit less jaded and pessimistic than yours. We don't find the idea of nationalism cringy or stupid. The average person doesn't think they're "above" someone else for liking their own country unless they are a teenager or a liberal
Whatever buddy. I'm sure this is totally a serious discussion thread and not another circlejerk.
Who the fuck gave you permission to reply to me, bitch?
You are assuming things I never said.
Nationalism in fact is great, waving flags in the street while mom, dad and grandpa are waving and taking pictures is not.
Don't act like you don't enjoy the attention and didn't hesitate to click for a second when you saw your flag. You could have left the thread minutes ago or never even replied in the first place but we both know why you are still here
>but we both know why you are still here
I'm here because I want you to realize the masturbatory nature of this sort of thread.
Ur mom fgt loo
Do other countries not have parades? That’s kinda sad
Are you assuming im gonna deny enjoying the butthurt murrican replies? Because no, i thrive on (you)'s from asshurt americans with zero tolerance and self reflection.
Still no one to answer my question tho, im starting to believe there is no point in waving flags on the main street
because they can do what they want to, no other explanation is necessary
The images are real tho
You've already answered your own question, and you won't be satisfied with other opinions. You've only posted about nationalism and about how angry Americans are.
This thread is effectively the same as a "Why do Americans put shoes in the fridge?" thread, but lacking all humor and self awareness
Jow Forums-Pekka, chill.
Yup yup, IM the one lacking self awareness
What's wrong with parades
It's a fun event in small towns in rural America. You get see interesting floats that people made, the high school band gets to march and play, maybe there's some horses pulling a wagon/carriage, the new fire engine gets to drive past the crowds, the mayor waves to the people from a convertible, people on the floats throw candy to the kids watching from the side. It's a fun, community event that kids enjoy. At least that's how I remember it from so many years ago.
wow swastika, so cool
I'd say you are considering you're being a spastic about something as benign and harmless as people having parades. There's actual shit you can make fun of us for but parades? You might actually be autistic.
all fucking m*xicans must fucking hang
It's cringe when you notice that most americans aren't direct descendants of the first(english) settlers
>It's a fun, community event that kids enjoy
Yes, this, this i understand. Kids everywhere enjoy bright colors, happy people, flags, symmetry, uniforms etc. but i keep seeing adults on the pictures.
>There's actual shit you can make fun of us for but parades?
Can you name some? (for future threads)
And yeah, parades are very good to make fun of, this thread and all its replies is the proof
That's how empires are somewhat maintained. Boosting national pride, military prowess exhibitions, discipline, militarism.
Not really, you're not making anyone "mad" you just seem autistic posting pictures of people harmlessly having fun.
This is what the chinese and based north koreans do. Americans just larp about it.
The simply fact that you're posting in his thread already makes proves that he made someone mad
When you keep mentioning how not mad you are, it's just hard to believe
Not really. It's just odd and he seems autistic.
Why do you even bother spending your in a autistic thread?
Whatever you say.
>Americans just larp about it.
You also have to consider that Americans can deploy and invade anywhere, anytime if they deem it necessary. Sure, they won't be invading China any time soon but challenging them head on right at their backyard requires some decisiveness and support by the populace who in their turn must believe that this is necessary.
> support by the populace who in their turn must believe that this is necessary.
They couldn't even get support agains't Vietnam
You want the real reason?
[Because it's a fun thing to do with your friends and family]
>They couldn't even get support agains't Vietnam
well to be fair
americans first supported the war because they thought it would be easy to turn vietnam into a vassal state, but later they noted their army sucked and started protesting against the war LMAO
No it has more to do with the counter-culture movement than anything.
>It's fun.
Americans are fucking degenerated
I don't understand how community marches can be degenerate. It's no worse than watching sports or TV
you can't ever get 100% support. Vietnam wasn't a serious threat, communism didn't spread further. Having bodybags pile up over a futile conflict triggered the protests. There were similar protests at the time of the Iraq invasion, they didn't stop the invasion or American presence there to this day.
Says the shithole country that has niggers shake their asses in the streets for parades.
Pretty sure twerking is an American thing.
You see, samba isn't solely shaking your ass.
i dont think the protests against the Iraq war were the same, compared to Vietnam
They weren't.
My point kinda was that the middle east is a far more important region for Americans to just abandon it to Chinese or Russian influence. The protests made no difference.
>to just abandon it to Chinese or Russian influence.
even Iran is already messing in the middle east LOL
Israel, a key American ally, has already bombed Iranian targets
Most Americans have some degree of English admixture. Anglo Americans were prolific in their intermarriage. So much so that pretty much every non-hispanic white american, native american, and black american probably has a significant amount of English ancestry.
Nice strawman
>isn't solely
That means that there is some ass shaking. Thanks for agreeing with him
Culture doesn't matter when its a degenerate one
Strawman? He was doing a strawman.
When dancing the dance, your ass tends to shake. He made it seem like it was solely an ass shaking thing.
I misunderstood.
Thought y'all meant there was a specific ass-shaking part of the dance
>tfw toothpastes brains have actually turned into Aquafresh
Maybe you should ask your neighbors why they do this cringy shit every year.
The world would be so much better if your country was wiped off the map, desu.
...or why you do as well
why don't you just let in the refugees? cunt
Don't you have some self returning sticks to go catch?