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bringing back pedobear lads

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well that's not very advertiser friendly

If WW1 broke out today and the Pals battalions were reformed would there be a /brit/ regiment?

Thanks lad, weather's fine and I've got a party later tonight so I'm well chuffed

Oh dear

Also, what's the story behind that, if any?

wish the NPD got a fair go at governing canada at least once

please, virgin, you couldn't skin a weasel



schizo would quiver and cry if he knew what I've done to living organisms before.

heres some real shit for you son

great way to finally collapse the country that.

Nice LARP virgin

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baby's first time on bestgore? soo cuuutee!!

schizo back again with his "larp" coping mechanism. whenever he starts in on this you know there's piss running down his manlet leg.

canadian man post awful shit again
mentally ill fat bitch

Go wank to trannies you fucking poofter
stop LARPing, you give me secondhand embarrassment

there he goes again. wound up like a clockwork toy, marching around the table like it owes him something.

You are a massive LARP act though, thats why I say it. You're a bitch. AbsoLUTEly.

proles don't matter

broken record, virgin

they're centrist trash now, mulcair is a sellout and the dream of an orange wave was extinguished with the passing of jack
glad i was alive for that episode of canadian politics, eternally bitter we got a decade of harper instead

> the dream of an orange wave
consider suicide

Based animal

Wait which flag in the thread is schizo today I've joined late

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>broken record
you're one to talk, little boy. let me just bring up your archive and see the THOUSANDS of recycled 'tough guy' talk you've pumped out.

shut up bitch time for your medicine

south african

is this yellow coin eyed monkey actually trying to talk with me?

Any /asianmasculinity/ man in ?

>likes to look at gore

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>got into Warhammer a few months ago
>already spent about $1500

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which of you bastards is responsible for this haha?

>It's true, that I speak on one side of my mouth. I'm not a Tory, I don't speak on both sides of my mouth.

got chills at the end

I'd slap you so fuckin' hard they'd be picking up fragments of your jawbone in corpus christi, texas

there he goes again with his big boy talk. *yawn*

Tim Curry speaks out of one side of his mouth.

yeah big boy boy talk
you know what that means? that means go back to the kids table my child

Food arrived

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eating a pumpkin pie

do brits know this pleasure?

doesn't look all that appetizing

you're as 1-dimensional as a 60 IQ nigger schizo. I don't even have to post to predict the drivel that comes out your deformed mouth.

lmao, this fucking guy
>take bribes to get the german air-force to buy lockheed planes
>get caught
>decades pass
>bribe canadian officials to get air canada to buy airbus planes
>get caught

Predict these nuts on your chin

Isn't it an RTS videogame series?

Emma Watson is the most beautiful and perfect female human to ever grace this planet.

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the warhammer merch universe is...expansive

I don't understand the references

>F-104G Starfighter
ah yes, the widowmaker

at one point I spend a ton on Warhammer but never this much since I got a lot for free/cheap

how you doing virgin

little plastic men

You ever stuck your ERECT COCK in a woman's VAGINA, my nigga? miss me with that talk bitch nigga you a virgin. you pure. lmfao. you aint no nuttin.

I've got a bunch cheap from ebay but I've spent $100s on paints as its the part I actually like the most

Tyranids I hope.

not a virgo

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bullshit detector going batshit my son


for me, it's the eldar
liked painting, didn't care about the game much

Big fan of painting too, specifically your sisters arse

I too enjoy my sisters arse
she's gotta fat bum

*puts my finger up to your nose*
smell this

despite extra flags not working on 4channel i still know you are wasting away in lincoln county

Just me enjoying a beverage listening to some of my favourite thinkers.

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Yes actually. Tyranids are my army and I'm making guard and necron kill teams atm

*pins you down and fucks your ass with a gun to your head*
smell this

who here would like to see schizoleaf's lap?

you can find cheaper alternative paints at most art shops

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legally changing my name to The Rude 'Tude Dude

Ate 4 burgers yesterday by mistake

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Diddling your sister doesn't count airsoftleaf

you want to see what?

Also had all those burgers with chips as well

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it's that time again

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OK idiot,
this is schizoleaf
this is not schizoleaf

haven't been active in months on /brit/ so i'm not whatever flavour of the month canadian you've in mind

I guess they never miss (I suppose)

press [F] to pay respects

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this is safferjew

>tfw you will never be a philosopher king and warrior king
why live if not to rule

prefer the johnny cash version myself

mental how my life's been over for 7 years

Does Britain still have soldiers in Afghanistan?

Extra flags is working. I’m on my phone.

making an arrangement

What's been happening lad?

What's the arrangement lad?

why the fuck is Jow Forums divided between 4cban and 4channel now

gookmoot has made a lot of questionable decisions but this one really has my head spinning

yes. though virtually none from a logistical perspective.


can run more ads on a sfw site

Internet ad servers are run by lunatics and it's contagious

BlueChan is a bit disgusting

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oh, well that's actually pretty clever

Kek the UK is literally a satellite state.