
do NOT masturbate edition

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might tickle me trousers, IYKWIAS

*bullies you*

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No don't


If you know what I am succing

hawaii washington california oregon
good states for japanese man?

just ate some ritz topped with pickled jalapeno slices
daily shit tomorrow is going to be painful

That cannabis oil got me feeling really mellow
Not like when you smoke it
More calming and relaxing when you ingest it

why do fags say life partner instead of boyfriend

fuck off, crabbe and goyle

I don't know, the image still holds up as a depiction of the soul of the chronic masturbator



imma go to sleep, gn /cum/

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>That cannabis oil got me feeling really mellow
>Not like when you smoke it
>More calming and relaxing when you ingest it

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sov gott


virgin bitch freak

Based however all fucking mexicans must fucking hang

>my yellow ass is on fire
nice cope!

Fuck you man

japan whiter skin than western pig skins

I don’t even own a fedora wtf

>Weed? yeah i smoke it

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>using a proxy to LARP on 4channel

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good post

my body won't let me go to bed before midnight
then i wake up at 4 am fully rested

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No you


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Go to sleep already, boomer. You have neighbors to annoy in the morning.


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Wonder what happened to that christcuck boomer woman. Or is she the one fedoraposting?


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sorry i had to post that pic, i love it

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Go to sleep right NOW that is an order



YeaThink of all... haha “things” you gotta do in the morning hehehe


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Thanks for the paranoia

Starting to miss fk 2bh

Why can't Russia catch a break?

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yo yo

Russia is whack dude

they need rasputin to come come back already

shes ok, shes just living her life

>do NOT masturbate edition
Too late

Need gf
Also what is the main difference in the future you want and what you are living now

There are two boomer posters
One is a man and one is a woman
One has two kids and the other has zero
The one who has kids is a racemixer
Is God telling us something?

Going to play some left 4 dead and have a wank before bed
See you guys

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are you ok?

i really want to reply l4d desu, but have no one to play it with

been saying to for years, kill everyone over the age of 30

Wh*te women are weak and and cannot compete with hyper-fertile brown women

forgot that game existed
should I get it

Asian gf and I are sitting outside in a hammock under a cover while it rains around us
We're both just on our phones
I think I'm going to try to kiss her

Just the pic gave me some creeps is all

LOVE rain

Wish it rained more here

succ the toes lad

but I always hear brits complain about it always raining

Ya. it's still decently active too iirc. Just don't play Versus mode.

ah. thought you were the user on weed, is why I asked. hope he's fine

is my flag showing up?

here in Sweden it rains all summer and autum long


Yeah I’m fine

Why is it all red?

We complain all weather

>Just don't play Versus mode.
Let me guess, modders?

just realized how much it'll suck to get groceries without a car

two pakies where going at it over a phone fighting in my apartment hallway


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who here ready for /robotoverlords/? Thinking of coding as a hobby soon.


why are you lying to me?

>letting migrants rape your daughters

The versus community is extremely competitive. Some will even open up your steam profile and vote kick you if they see that you don't have a certain amount of hours in the game.

Reminds me of Payday 2

merely a prank
a charade if you will

I wish I could mess with Arduino and shit desu

>being this ass pained over being a degenerate

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some might call it a pantomime

CHILL I was just poking fun

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*pantses the namefag*
Heh, just a bit of chicanery.

But in all seriousness
You guys gotta do something about that

i bought one for a school project, turns out only 1 person in the group needed it so i never touched it

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do you plan on using it?
also cute feet

alright princess give us a better view

Its really not that big of a problem, immigrants only rape themselves lmao

Really? You heard this first hand from your local new over time or just residing statistic?