What went so right?

What went so right?

Attached: japan-map-physical.jpg (1300x1307, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.jp/search?client=ms-android-huawei&ei=_iP5W9-IH4Wb8wW6mb3gBg&q=gdp per capita japan&oq=gdp per capita &gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.1.2.0l2j0i203j0l2.1593.1593..2807...0.0..

Do you love Japan?

Everything is going well in Japan though.
Thanks Abe.

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I'll vote for his party again at the next election 2019.
Go Abe!

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I think you need to go with the "Accept Chinese Dominance" focus on your focus tree.

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What did he do? I don't know much about Japanese politics


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Nothing like kakigoori to cool you off after a hot steamy sex for the sole purpose of procreation

try checking gdp per capita of Japan from 2012, when the moron's Cabinet was launched. he's literally the worst PM
google.co.jp/search?client=ms-android-huawei&ei=_iP5W9-IH4Wb8wW6mb3gBg&q=gdp per capita japan&oq=gdp per capita &gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.1.2.0l2j0i203j0l2.1593.1593..2807...0.0..


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he looks like a faggot

we love peeps

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I want to find a Japanese qt and make lots of hapa babies. Starting next year I will enroll at my local college and take A1 Japanese. Plus I take zinc and folic acid so that my sperm is extra potent.

fucking cringe


IMPERATOR ABE should be crowned the next emperor.

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hey no being mean to mummy may

From white to black , people is very friendly

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Good luck because Japanese QTs are in short supply!
(mainly because THEY DON'T EXIST)



wtf, that is offensive

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Free markets after ww2

US Aid


They are very law abiding people. But that led to too much stress imo. Sometimes they should rebel to all those stupid rules. Tokyo seemed so stressing I could never live there. Probably people in the countryside is a bit more relaxed.

Rural areas are much more "conservative" or "delusional" from my expericence and what I have heard.

fooling gullible gaijins
read about japanese burakumin and their laws regarding leprosy

All the tsunamis they've ever experienced will seem insignificant compared to the approaching age wave.

They seemed less used to foreigners and so more interested. But its like that everywhere and probably I just prefer place more similar to where I live. There's too much people in Tokyo for me kek

Building nuclear power plants on a highly active fault line is stupid.