We own this board

We own this board.

Attached: B2B02AC8-089B-4BC5-AF31-F56E24208007.png (334x862, 18K)

>being proud of that

>90% is "coooooocks"

>6th place
Not bad at all. Suck on that Latvia


>5th place
not bad, suck on that britain

Now now, be more considerate towards your Jow Forums overlords.

>posting that version



Attached: 1439939043519.png (683x601, 10K)

Post the superior version then

I would like to have a list without posts in generals

i don’t have it on my phone:^(

you own nothing but gay dicks faggot

Sweden is only that high because of your general where you pussies hide for most of the time while we make quality posts outside of /mämmi/ too and conquer the board

>Korean boi trying to be tough

Got a semi desu

Are we nordic yet?

You'll regret these words. We are going to burn Seoul

And the Cringe cup is awarded to...

Jow Forums is Finnish clay

Why is France always next to USA on every ranking

>per capita

How do you even know that on an anonymous imageboard

Per capita as in posts/population of said country