What's it like to have a frenemy

what's it like to have a frenemy

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>tiny island tiny gene pool
not anymore!

Why couldn't I have been born in a cunt like Denmark or Slovenia that doesn't have to deal with France, the UK, Germany and the Dutch

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idk but Belgium is always anthropomorphized in a cute short boy in my mind

"Frenemy" stands for "French enemy", I take it?

Tu as les Coréens, n'est-ce pas?

It's nice

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>Tu as les Coréens, n'est-ce pas?
Nan, la Corée est comme l'Irlande pour toi

French used to be our frenemies but now they are just friends

Well there was that one manga that depicted Belgium as pic related, and I've always pictured Belgium as a cute female psychopath with genocidal tendencies.

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i don't know a frenemy. i guess china maybe. but that's sort of a shady relationship. oh I know! California!

you owe personification of your motherland to that Chinese homosexual cartoon? wtf

I like to imagine they are futas

I'm genuinely am not sure what you're saying but I've personified Belgium as a psychopathic grill before I knew of that anime (which I found out about like 2 weeks ago)

i remember you

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Mais une partie d'Irlande est la notre toujours.

Ne sabrez pas mes bras svp

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The whole world hates you but still works with you because they are scared of you. Everyone is your friend and your enemy all at once.

Pas pour longtemps

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Anglo éternel...

Et comment vais-je satisfaire mes fantasmes sadiques alors ?

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Lirez Les Cent Vingt Journées de Sodome ou l’École du libertinage (`;ω;´)

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Mais user çe n'est pas très Catholique !

>not having to deal with us
They lost Norway because they allied France during the Napoleonic Wars, and the Brits destroyed their fleet without declaring war

there's no friend part we're universally despised by all the continentals France included

Le Dieu est mort quand même (`・ω・)
Baise catholicité

you make a good point, UK.

>we're universally despised by all the continentals

You can just tell that you're universally despised.

Dieu est mort, vive Dieu.

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Can Poland pass as Russia's frenemy?

prove me wrong, every other thread is one about Britain filled with continentals calling for our extermination

Sorry lad I'm Australian, flags are broken for some reason.

No, you're just enemies.


Perhaps historically, but culturally we're quite close

Et hop ! Une main en moins.

I wouldn't know, we just have a bunch of monkeys over the border SEETHING at the thought of our continued independence, we try not to pay attention to them
I guess you could count the Atlantic Ocean as our frienemy since it allowed us to be relevant(friend) and a lot of our people died there(enemy)

I came from Africa and I also want your people to disappear.

>l'Écosse innocente

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feeling is mutual, sandnigger

Ça ne veut rien dire user

Je te donne mon main droit, alors non gauche( ˘•ω•˘ )

i meant to say
>>innocent Scotland

Non, t'auras besoin de la droite pour travailler
That would be
>>l'Écosse innocente

Mon main dominant est la gauche, je branle avec le!(+_+)

Encore mieux

>mvq je ne parle pas le français

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you have korea

I don't get it. Are you embarrassed?

He wants you to slap his tiny girly dick

Trop mignon
I love reading Japanese learning french !

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>Trop mignon

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C'est honteux tout de même. Jow Forums est une planche française.